Swiftz-Validation copied to clipboard
A data structure for validations. It implements the applicative functor interface
A data structure that typically models form validations, and other scenarios where you want to aggregate all failures, rather than short-circuit if an error happens (for which Swiftx's Either is better suited). A Validation may either be a Success(value), which contains a successful value, or a Failure(value), which contains an error.
Docs: Swiftz-Validation docs
func isPasswordLongEnough(_ password:String) -> Validation<[String], String> {
if password.characters.count < 8 {
return Validation.Failure(["Password must have more than 8 characters."])
} else {
return Validation.Success(password)
func isPasswordStrongEnough(_ password:String) -> Validation<[String], String> {
if (password.range(of:"[\\W]", options: .regularExpression) != nil){
return Validation.Success(password)
} else {
return Validation.Failure(["Password must contain a special character."])
func isPasswordValid(password:String) -> Validation<[String], String> {
return isPasswordLongEnough(password)
Valid value
let result = isPasswordValid(password: "Ricardo$")
▿ Validation<Array<String>, String>
- Success : "Ricardo$"
Invalid value
let result = isPasswordValid(password: "Richi")
/* ▿ Validation<Array<String>, String>
▿ Failure : 2 elements
- 0 : "Password must have more than 8 characters."
- 1 : "Password must contain a special character."