~~试下 v2fly 有没有该问题~~
~~我就知道,因为那边的很多东西是名义上做了但实际上几乎没人用过,所以有点 buggy,以前就经常遇到~~ 麻烦 @yuhan6665 修一下
VMess 依赖时间戳是为了防重放攻击,你提出的设计类似于 REALITY 的 session id 部分,不检查时间戳时它自身不防重放攻击 且它只是比固定密码(客户端密码泄露可以全解密)好一点点,仍缺乏严格意义上的前向安全性(服务端私钥泄露可以全解密),且以原始形式发送 curve25519 public key 可被识别 https://github.com/net4people/bbs/issues/287#issuecomment-1718887813 ,~~虽然全随机数已经是最大的特征了~~ 去年在讨论抗量子的密钥交换时我想过用它来设计 VLESS 的加密,~~但没那么急需所以鸽子中~~ 如果你实在是不想依赖时间戳,可以看一下 https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-org/issues/177 ,~~它通过奇特的方式实现了很多安全特性~~ 依赖时间戳、不依赖密钥交换的可以看一下 https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-org/issues/178
> After about 2 hours, VPS number 2 was suddenly disconnected, and the CPU usage spiked to 100%, causing the server to temporarily disconnect. It then returned to normal percentage,...
> I tested other configs using https://github.com/XTLS/Trojan-killer and it didn't detected them, but maybe the tool is no complete and maybe the cores did something to make them undetectable 1....
> it's not clear to me whether there is a fallback to plaintext SNI in situations where the site and its DNS support ECH but the network interferes with in...
> Was ESNI popular in 2020? As I recall, ESNI was never enabled by default, so people must have been enabling it manually? I always took the fact that the...
**根据 https://t.me/xhqcankao/6131 ,刚刚 已被中国 GFW 全面封锁,所有省份均不可访问。** 前几天我用 Chrome 116 测试 ECH 时,它预设的那几个安全 DNS 只有 能直接在中国使用,ECH 测试成功,但显然这一过程和结果在今天已无法复现。虽然仅封锁一个 DoH 并不能完全封锁 ECH,但对于 GFW 的 [目标](https://github.com/net4people/bbs/issues/281#issuecomment-1705401108) 而言,它已经迈出了第一步。 --- 根据更多的反馈,目前 GFW 仅针对了
> However, I have always wondered if it is possible to apply Xray's Fragment option on DoH. 查看文档,若非 `https+local` 的写法,DNS 请求也会走路由,所以你可以把它导至 Freedom 出站并进行分片,注意不要造成回环 *Looking at the docs, the DNS request...