Will Son
Will Son
@ishaanmht You should use `ROS_HOSTNAME` param instead of `ROS_IP`
Hi @squizz617 Thank you for thoroughly reviewing the code and suggesting the modification. The maximum linear / angular velocity values are calculated and rounded off based on the maximum achievable...
@squizz617 The ignorance of the linear velocity of 0.22 seems to be caused by the out of range data error from XL430 DYNAMIXEL. The [max linear velocity of XL430 is...
Hi @ozgudum Thank you for reporting this issue. I'll look into the code and see what causes this problem. Thanks!
Hi @DistroIII You may include the laser_filter launch command in the turtlebot3_navigation launch file. The default turtlebot3 packages use the `scan` topic for basic operation, so you should change this...
Hi @duqiyaner1234 Could you check the QoS setting of the scan in the RViz? Try switching from Best effort to Reliable or the other around.
Hi @shayanaimi The OpenCR with ROS2 firmware plays doremi sound during initialization. This initialization is independent to ROS2. If it is fully functional except the sound, I would assume that...
Hi @sridharsidhu0801 Unfortunately, we do not provide a technical assistant for customizing robots. Since QBot 2e uses different sensors, a lot of modification will be needed if you are going...
Hi @sridharsidhu0801 There are different reasons for unsuccessful ssh connection. If you haven't used ssh before, you might be missing the ssh key. Please google the error message on your...
Hi @pitosalas The LDS-02 starts rotating as soon as it is powered. Please make sure if you added the LDS version setting in your `.bashrc` file. ``` $ echo 'export...