Will Son
Will Son
Hi @a97101123 It looks like your `catkin_ws/src` directory contains some non standard package which cannot be built with catkin. Could you check which packages are installed in the `catkin_ws/src` with...
@Newmodel-YUKECHI It looks like your LDS setup is incorrect. Please make sure to export the correct LDS model in your `~/.bashrc` file as shown [in the emanual](https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/platform/turtlebot3/sbc_setup/#new-lds-02-configuration). LDS-01 | LDS-02...
If Arduino OpenCR package version is not the latest, you may get the Checksum error. Make sure to update the OpenCR package to the latest (1.5.2) and see if this...
Hi @LW-G38 `RC-100A` is discontinued quite long ago and it does not supported as TurtleBot3 remote controller. [TB3 RC100 eManual](https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/platform/turtlebot3/basic_operation/#rc100) It seems the RC-100A signal is overtaking the `cmd_vel` from...
Hi, The OpenCR provides the odom calculation based on the encoder readings from both DYNAMIXEL. If you have modified DYNAMIXEL to different model other than X 430 series (XL /...
If the rotation is correctly performed and visualized on the RViz, encoders seem working fine. Does the Lidar sensor correctly appears on the RViz during the navigation?
@wujintai0313 You should not have a `CMakeLists.txt` directly under the `catkin_ws/src` directory, but it should be included in the package directory. If you have copied the file from some other...
Hi @Guelakais I'm sorry about the delayed response. According to the error, please install the hardware interface package with the command below and try building the source. ```bash $ sudo...
Hi @Bggopal I'm sorry about the delayed response as I'm currently on a business trip. Could you explain a little bit more about "the map fails and moves to different...
Hi @M-renta The latest OpenCR F/W for ROS2 Foxy is `V230127R1` Please make sure that you have correctly removed existing files. To check the firmware version, you can use the...