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Hi, was wondering if anyone as tried interfacing a Dynamixel Servo motor with the Universal Robot 5 ? If possible can please share how , any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.
I am trying to interface a dynamixel servo in my gripper with a robotic arm(UR5), but unsure of how to interface my gripper. If possible is there any hardware recommended to connect the motor and the UR5? My motor is the XM540-W150R.
Hi, Unfortunately, Dynamixel does not support UR-CAP, which is UR's communication standard, so you cannot connect it to UR5. You need to connect Dynamixel Hand to PC using USB interface such as U2D2.
Our robot hand RH-P12-RN-UR is compatible with UR-CAP. https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/platform/rh_p12_rn_ur/