@AutoViML can you please clarify if you have any intention of maintaining your package for future versions of the various dependencies including python versions?
@AutoViML I upgraded to v 0.1.807 and tried to get it to work in freshly created environments of Python 3.10, 3,11 & 3.12 On 3.10, I came across the issue...
@AutoViML In 3.10 envt, I compared this latest version to the previous working version that I was using 0.1.732 and in the Correlation heatmap, a number integer features have also...
> Disclaimer: I am the author of pycrdt and pycrdt-websocket. I encourage you to move to these projects, because ypy and ypy-websocket are unmaintained. As mentioned in the issue...
@frenzymadness, @davidbrochart there was apparently an issue with the Windows version of Py 3.12 mentioned in #138. Has that been resolved? @dmonad, looks like #138 already made updates for Python...
> @RNarayan73 I'm not maintaining this package anymore, since I started [pycrdt]( If you can afford an API change, it might be a better solution for you. As mentioned in...