Hi Thomananas. Someone, in some library, implemented a very strict check, apparently. Should be fixed in https://github.com/RMonica/ros_kinfu/commit/a48eb52bd8d47e2ecb2801af46c1c9829571dfea
Hi Thomananas. The synthetic depth map is a depth image obtained by observing the 3D model from the current pose of the sensor. The map published to `/kinfu_current_view` is illuminated....
Hi Thomananas. The software architecture depends on what you are trying to do, but here is an idea. Create another getter besides `getImage` in `kinfu.cpp`/`kinfu.h`. The getter performs the download...
Hi Thomananas. The vertex map is computer-generated. It's not "raw" as the one coming from the sensor. To convert an organized point cloud into a depth image, you would usually...
Hi Thomananas. Well, that won't work. I have never implemented texture extraction. Sorry. http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/using_kinfu_large_scale.php As you can see, the original KinfuLS was composed of 3 executables, of which the third...
Hi, I ran into this problem yesterday. It was confusing also because the camera info changes resolution according to `i_height` and `i_width`, but the actual image doesn't. The link is...
You are not supposed to get a window. The node is non-interactive. Try to open RViz and view the topic `/kinfu_current_view`. If you mean the final reconstruction, you can save...
I have never used Kinect for Azure. However, it looks like there is a ROS driver: https://github.com/microsoft/Azure_Kinect_ROS_Driver If the driver publishes standard rectified depth and camera_info topics, then it should...
You have to edit line 55 of `ros_kinfu/kinfu/pcl_kinfu_large_scale/CMakeLists.txt` Remove the unsupported compute capability 3.0 from the string: `-gencode arch=compute_30,code=sm_30` Also, you may have to add the compute capability of your...
Hi QinZiwen. You do not need to link this package against a custom-compiled PCL. Above all, do not enable the gpu module: it will interfere with this package. As for...