Rocco Meli

Results 36 comments of Rocco Meli

> if we can avoid it screaming at us every time about known cases where we've agreed we don't want to deal with You could flag such cases with [action...

> It might be really cool to have some dependency diagrams for this! 100%! I always found the name "guesser" somewhat confusing, because some attributes are not technically guessed but...

@richardjgowers I just wanted to spark the discussion but I agree the ratio benefits/effort might be small. However, #2409 and #2411 could be easily spotted by static checks. I also...

I think adding type hints will be a great! I understand that automatic code formatting is not something every developer is willing to accept, but it would be the easiest...

I like the idea of linting only the `diff`! What is the drawback of type hints if they are not well adopted by the dependencies?

> +1 on being apprehensive about autoformatters. My main objection is what they do to commit history. It's useful to look at a line of code and see who committed...

@hainm, thank you very much for the fast reply and for the workaround. Do I understand correctly that the whole trajectory is loaded in memory with `nowat = traj["!:WAT"]`, even...

Great, thank you very much for the workarounds!

Your workaround seems to work well for test systems, but when I try it on a large trajectory (1.1GB) it performs considerably slower than just loading the whole trajectory: ```python...

That's right, I didn't notice that in the documentation they were usually the other way around. Thank you very much for pointing this out. ``` In [6]: %time ptraj =...