Rostyslav M.

Results 39 comments of Rostyslav M.

> Is there any progress? I'm currently experiencing the same situation. As shown in the picture, the html element is moved to the bottom. > > ![스크린샷 2024-01-05 오전 10...

I'm facing the same problem.

> Hi everyone, I'm an engineer working on Turnstile at Cloudflare. > > I'm afraid I'm unable to reproduce the issue, could you follow and post the rayID or...

Hey @migueldemoura! > What happens when you click the "Verify you are human" button? Do you get a failure icon and text? After clicking, a looping loading appears, in other...

> Anyone found a solution on this? I am encountering a similar issue (where the captcha gets rejected every single time for everyone that tried) I guess only @migueldemoura can...

@pichillilorenzo Thank you very much for taking the time to fix this error, we appreciate it

> It should be fixed now for **iOS** on the latest release. I just took the source code from the [commit](, rebuilt my iOS app based on this version, and...

@pichillilorenzo Thank you very much for your help! Indeed, after I ran the `flutter pub upgrade` command, the problem was resolved even on the iOS simulator.