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A Chrome Remote Interface written in R

Results 34 crrri issues
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Hi all. I hope you are fine. I am trying to extract some data from a Power BI dashboard. The issue is the dashboard has three pages and data is...

``` r httpuv::randomPort() ``` Allows to find a free port. Would be nice to have this implemented — use the default if available, if it's not switch to a random...

Hi all. I am using `crrri` package in order to obtain some data from web. This package works better than other web scraping packages. My question is if it is...

Hello, first of all compliments for your library, it's a great evolution over RSelenium (which I didn't like). I created a function that allows to get the response body of...

This PR will close #84 * *

This is now possible to document R6 method using roxygen. We have already documented but it could be an improvement and easier to maintain. I hope the help page...

This seems important to not conflict with other later loop while in `!async` mode like maybe in `wait` function. private event loop are used in `chromote` and also will be...


![Screenshot 2020-05-01 at 11 06 02]( I don't think there is any way to purge this cache from the package? Would be nice to be able to do it without...

Let's say I have this piece of code: ``` r library(crrri) client Running '/Applications/Google Chrome' \ #> --no-first-run --headless \ #> '--user-data-dir=/Users/colin/Library/Application Support/r-crrri/chrome-data-dir-qibjymyz' \ #> '--remote-debugging-port=8888' Page Error in...

Inspirations : Like `--disable-features=TranslateUI` to not get the translate box in headful mode or `--disable-sync` Full list: