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RIPE Database whois code repository
RIPE Whois Database
This software is distributed under the BSD License. See: https://raw.github.com/RIPE-NCC/whois/master/LICENSE.md
Running Integration Tests for Development
It is preferable to write integration tests during development, and commit them along with any code changes. All dependencies apart from the database are mocked.
Running Whois Locally For Development
You can run a standalone Whois server locally. Dependencies must be configured in a local properties file.
More information here
Running within an IDE
See Running whois from within Intellij for instructions.
Running outside an IDE
Configure pre-commit hooks
Pre-commit hook can be found in tools/precommitcheck
. This can be optionally configured by running: ln -fsv tools/precommitcheck .git/hooks/pre-commit
Run a single integration test
mvn clean install -DfailIfNoTests=false -Pintegration -Dit.test=NrtmClientInvalidHostTestIntegration
Run all integration tests in a single module
mvn clean install -Pintegration -pl whois-query
Configure Ajc (AspectJ) Compiler
Whois uses AspectJ to perform compile-time aspect weaving of the code. This is needed for some functionality, e.g. the @RetryFor annotation.
Compile-time weaving works during a command-line Maven build, as the pom.xml uses aspectj-maven-plugin.
Any code that depends on AspectJ will fail if modified in IntelliJ without using the Ajc (AspectJ) compiler.
You can configure Ajc in the Preferences as follows:
- First install the AspectJ plugin provided by JetBrains from the IDE plugin repository
- Go to Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Java Compiler
- Choose "Use Compiler: Ajc"
- Configure Path to aspectjtools.jar, e.g. ~/.m2/repository/org/aspectj/aspectjtools/1.9.8/aspectjtools-1.9.7.jar
- Press "Test" to confirm it's working.
- Go to Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Importing
- Uncheck "Detect compiler automatically" (otherwise IntelliJ will revert from Ajc to JavaC)