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Contractum: RGB contract definition language
Contractum: RGB smart contract language
Repository is a prototyping for possible RGB contract language, which should compile to RGB Schema data with additional validation code running on virtual machine(s) supported by RGB (currently this will be AluVM)
Contractum differs from other smart contract programming languages in a fact that as functional as Haskell and nearly as close to the bare metal as Rust at the same time, filling in the space which was not accessible for the smart contracts before:
For a sample code pls check RGB20 fungible token contract, which should compile into RGB20 Schema. You may also see how code compilation into AluVM assembly may look like and check PEG grammar of contractum language.
Here is an example of Contractum code[^highlight]:
types Did
data PgpKey :: curve U8, key Bytes
schema DecentralizedIdentity
-- This defines the atom of the contract state called `Identity`
-- which has data type `PgpKey`.
-- The `owned` keyword means that there is always a party
-- which owns the identity
owned Identity :: Did.PgpKey
owned IOYIssue :: Zk64
-- `Zk64` means 64-bit unsigned integer hidden with zero-knowledge
owned IOYTokens :: Zk64
global IOYTicker :: String
global IOYName :: String
-- This says that to construct contract the user must provide
-- information about exactly one identity and its IOY token
genesis :: Identity, IOYTicker, IOYName
-- Now let's define what a owner of identity can do,
-- He can execute his rights by creating state transitions
-- ("operation" on the state) of predefined forms, like
op Revocation :: old Identity -> new Identity
-- which does what it says: it revokes existing identity
-- and creates a new one.
-- This issues new IOY promises in tokenized form
op Promise :: used IOYIssue -> given [IOYTokens]?, remaining IOYIssue?
assert used == sum given + (remaining ?? 0)
-- This transfers IOY tokens from one owner to another owner
op Transfer :: spent {IOYTokens} -> received [IOYTokens]
assert sum spent == sum received
interface FungibleToken:
global Ticker -> String -- this is similar to schema definition; in fact
-- it is a requirement that the schema must provide
-- a global state of the String type and link it to
-- the "Ticker" name
global Name -> String
owned Inflation :: Zk64 -- pretty much the same applies to assigned state
owned Asset :: Zk64
op Issue :: Inflation -> [Asset]?, Inflation? -- and operations
op Transfer :: {Asset} -> [Asset]
interface PgpIdentity
owned Identity :: PgpKey
exec Revocation :: old Identity -> new Identity
-- Specific schema state may use different naming, for instance because a schema
-- can define multiple assets with different names; in that case we will have
-- multiple interface implementations referencing different state.
implement FungibleToken for DecentralizedIdentity
global Ticker := IOYTicker -- this creates a _binding_ of the state defined
-- in the schema (*IOYTicker* in this case) to the
-- interface
global Name := IOYName
owned Inflation := IOYIssue
owned Asset := IOYTokens
op Issue := Promise
op Transfer -- here we skip `:=` part since the interface operation name
-- matches the name used in the schema. In such cases we can also
-- skip the declaration at whole
implement PgpIdentity for DecentralizedIdentity
-- we do not need to put anything here since schema state and operation names
-- matches interface requirements and the compiler is able to guess the bindings
contract meSatoshiNakamoto implements DecentralizedIdentity
set IOYTicker := "SATN"
set IOYName := "Satoshi Promises"
-- this defines a genesis state and assigns it to a single-use-seal
assign orig Identity := (0xfac503c4641c3deda72a2d00bc9d6ff1094b15276c386efea403746a91436772, 1)
-> PgpKey(0, 0x028730eeeec41802621d177507b086f390ae600ba3ca5e428b13913af4c2cd25b3)
transition iLostMyKey executes Revocation
via meSatoshiNakamoto.orig -- specifies the single-use-seal we close to match requirements
-- on the valid operation execution conditions
assign upd Identity := (~, 2) -- here we use txid of the bitcoin transaction which will be
-- created to hold the commitment to this state transition,
-- called "single-use-seal witness". Since we can not know the
-- txid upfront we use ~ to indicate the witness transaction id
-> PgpKey(0, 0x0219db0a4e0eb8cb833608c08d76b9b279ec44a851ab82cc6fd68a9b32624bfa8b)
-- the above defines new state and assigns it to a single-use-seal
[^highlight]: Here we use Haskell language highlighter, which does not recognizes Contractum keywords, but at least due to a similarity of Contractum to the Haskell languague provides some better visual recognizability