RFFHEM icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RFFHEM copied to clipboard

RCswitch Protocol 1 - door/window sensor

Open sidey79 opened this issue 2 years ago • 45 comments

Specifications for new sensor / switch / or other device ...

  • manufacturer: https://github.com/mightymos/ReedTripRadio
  • model name:
  • pictures of the device / the board (very helpful)


  • Microcontroller:
  • Version (Firmware):
  • Versionmodul (FHEM Module):

Reported from here: https://github.com/mightymos/ReedTripRadio/issues/4#issuecomment-1398899063

2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-3412;P1=1285;P2=-440;P3=439;P4=-1289;P5=-12823;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121235121212121212121212121212121212123434343434121212351212121212121212121212121212121234343434341212123512121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121;CP=1;R=49;
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-12818;P2=-4212;P3=451;P4=-2027;P5=1274;P6=-447;P7=-1286;D=343434323434323256565656565656565656565656565656373737375656563730565656565656565656565656565656563737373756565637305656565656565656565656565656565637373737565656373056565656565656565656565656565656373737375656563;CP=5;R=242;
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 49.2 -> GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-448;P1=-12823;P2=439;P3=-4600;P4=-2030;P5=-9592;P6=-1280;P7=1285;D=232323232323232424232323232423242524242670707070707070707070707070707070262626267026702621707070707070707070707070707070702626262670267026217070707070707070707070707070707026262626702670262170707070707070707070707070707070262626267026702;CP=2;R=242;
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 29 -> HT12e matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 30 -> diverse matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 49.2 -> GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 104 -> TR60C-1 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-92;P1=160;P2=-2019;P3=459;P4=-4598;P5=-3212;P6=1228;P7=-600;D=012343432323234343434343434343232343434343235673;CP=3;R=238;
2023.01.20 21:21:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=600;P1=-445;P2=1286;P3=440;P4=-1281;P5=-12818;D=012121212121212121212121212121343434342134213435212121212121212121212121212121213434343421342134352121212121212121212121212121212134343434213421343521212121212121212121212121212121343434342134213;CP=2;R=49;
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-248;P1=956;P2=-3176;P3=1276;P4=-456;P5=436;P6=-1296;P7=-12822;D=01234343434343434343434343434343434565656563434345657343434343434343434343434343434345656565634343456573434343434343434343434343434343456565656343434565734343434343434343434343434343434565656563434345;CP=3;R=47;
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=438;P1=-1285;P2=-12811;P3=136;P4=-312;P5=180;P6=-443;P7=1284;D=34567676767676767676767676767676010101017601760102767676767676767676767676767676760101010176017601027676767676767676767676767676767601010101760176010276767676767676767676767676767676010101017601760;CP=7;R=45;
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-13136;P1=1282;P2=-444;P3=437;P4=-1285;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123430121212121212121212121212121212123434343412121234301212121212121212121212121212121234343434121212343012121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123;CP=1;R=43;
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-13611;P1=92;P2=-25380;P3=1285;P4=-446;P5=440;P6=-1278;D=01234343434343434343434343434343434565656563456345650343434343434343434343434343434345656565634563456503434343434343434343434343434343456565656345634565034343434343434343434343434343434565656563456345;CP=3;R=47;
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 83 -> RH787T matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=132;P1=-224;P2=1292;P3=450;P4=-1286;P5=-12820;P6=-431;D=010626262626262626262626262626263434343426262634352626262626262626262626262626262634343434262626343526262626262626262626262626262626343434342626263;CP=2;R=49;
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:45 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-19496;P1=1283;P2=-448;P3=444;P4=-1276;P5=-12829;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123435121212121212121212121212121212123434343412341234351212121212121212121212121212121234343434123412343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123;CP=1;R=46;
2023.01.20 21:21:45 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:45 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:45 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.20 21:21:52 4: SIGNALduino: Attr, Calling sub with args: set verbose = 2
2023.01.20 21:21:52 3: SIGNALduino: Attr, setting Verbose to: 2

sidey79 avatar Jan 20 '23 21:01 sidey79

#389 ist ähnlich, nur etwas höherer Takt.

sidey79 avatar Jan 20 '23 22:01 sidey79

protocol id 5 must be enabled via whitelist

sidey79 avatar Jan 20 '23 23:01 sidey79

Ich helfe auch gerne mit weiteren Logs, wenn erforderlich. Der Sensor meldet derzeit: öffnen; schließen; Manipulationskontakt öffnen/schließen und leere Batterie

bismosa avatar Jan 21 '23 08:01 bismosa

Aktiviere doch bitte das Protokoll 5.

Anschließend ins Logfile schauen nachdem Du den Sensor ausgelöst hast.

Im Logfile stehen dann weitere Anweisungen, die dazu führen, dass eine Definition eines unbekannten Gerätes erstellt wird. Auf der Basis können wir dann den Sensor mit seinen Daten implementieren.

sidey79 avatar Jan 21 '23 08:01 sidey79

Ich habe jetzt erstmal die aktuelle Firmware geflasht: V 3.5.0 SIGNALduino cc1101 (chip CC1101) - compiled at Jul 8 2022 18:09:56 und ein FHEM Update gemacht: versionmodul 3.5.4

Protokoll 5 ist aktiviert und wie im Log development auf m87,u5 gesetzt.

Dies wurde nun mit Verbose 4 protokolliert: Magnetschalter auf:

2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-20800;P1=1274;P2=-451;P3=445;P4=-1281;P5=-12822;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121235121212121212121212121212121212123434343434121212351212121212121212121212121212121234343434341212123512121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121;CP=1;R=47;
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -50.5
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF07
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF07
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -50.5
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -50.5
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:11 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=872;P1=1286;P2=-442;P3=442;P4=-1279;P5=-12808;P7=-5196;D=1212121212121212121212121212121234343434341212123512121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121235370212121212121212121212121234343434341212123512121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121;CP=1;R=50;
2023.01.21 10:41:11 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:11 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -49
2023.01.21 10:41:11 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:11 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -49
2023.01.21 10:41:11 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:11 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:11 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:11 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 83 -> RH787T matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:11 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-5008;P1=1280;P2=-453;P3=444;P4=-1275;P5=-12821;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123435121212121212121212121212121212123434343412341234351212121212121212121212121212121234343434123412343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123;CP=1;R=40;
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -54
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -54
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -54
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-12782;P1=1282;P2=-440;P3=455;P4=-1275;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123430121212121212121212121212121212123434343412121234301212121212121212121212121212121234343434121212343012121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123;CP=1;R=45;
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -51.5
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001110
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -51.5
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -51.5
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-1904;P1=1269;P2=-462;P3=437;P4=-1288;P5=-12811;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123435121212121212121212121212121212123434343412121234351212121212121212121212121212121234343434121212343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123;CP=1;R=48;
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -50
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -50
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -50
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 9 -> weather matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-25696;P1=1285;P2=-443;P3=451;P4=-1279;P5=-12824;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123435121212121212121212121212121212123434343412341234351212121212121212121212121212121234343434123412343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123;CP=1;R=47;
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -50.5
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -50.5
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -50.5
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-5648;P1=1276;P2=-446;P3=444;P4=-1276;P5=-12821;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123435121212121212121212121212121212123434343412121234351212121212121212121212121212121234343434121212343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123;CP=1;R=48;
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -50
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001110
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -50
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -50
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-5478;P1=437;P2=684;P3=-440;P4=1293;P5=-1283;P6=-12824;D=010234343434343434343434343431515151543154315162;CP=4;R=48;
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=628;P1=-443;P2=1284;P3=440;P4=-1284;P5=-12816;D=0121212121212121212121212121213434343421342134352121212121212121212121212121212134343434213421343521212121212121212121212121212121343434342134213;CP=2;R=49;
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -49.5
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-604;P1=1289;P2=-436;P3=448;P4=-1284;P5=-12824;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123435121212121212121212121212121212123434343412121234351212121212121212121212121212121234343434121212343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123;CP=1;R=47;
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -50.5
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001110
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -50.5
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -50.5
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-25584;P1=441;P2=-2482;P3=112;P4=-441;P5=1284;P6=-1277;P7=-12811;D=012345454545454545454545454545454161616165416541617545454545454545454545454545454541616161654165416175454545454545454545454545454545416161616541654161712;CP=5;R=47;
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -50.5
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -50.5
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 49.2 -> GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-445;P1=1282;P2=445;P3=-1275;D=01010101010101010101010101010232323231023102;CP=1;R=48;
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-17564;P1=1276;P2=-445;P3=451;P4=-1280;P5=-12808;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123435121212121212121212121212121212123434343412121234351212121212121212121212121212121234343434121212343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123;CP=1;R=48;
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -50
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001110
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -50
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -50
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:14 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-5596;P1=1286;P2=-438;P3=445;P4=-1283;P5=-12811;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121235121212121212121212121212121212123434343434121212351212121212121212121212121212121234343434341212123512121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121;CP=1;R=42;
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -53
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF07
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF07
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -53
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -53
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:41:17 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate

Magnetschalter zu:

2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-13452;P1=851;P2=-864;P3=244;P4=-611;P5=617;P6=-235;P7=-92;D=01212121234343456345634343456343456563456563456345656565656565657;CP=3;R=232;
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=838;P1=-873;P2=219;P3=-633;P4=616;P5=-236;D=010101012323234523452323234523234545234545234523454545454545454545;CP=2;R=237;
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=236;P1=801;P2=-909;P4=-611;P5=612;P6=-261;D=1212121204040456045604040456040456560456560456045656565656565656560456045;CP=0;R=239;
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 40 dmsg u40#289B5FF4 length 32 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -82.5
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u40#289B5FF4
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 289B5FF4
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 40
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 00101000100110110101111111110100
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown SIGNALduino Protocol:40 | To help decode or debug, please add u40! (attr SIGNALduino development m87,u5,u40)
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: Unknown, please report
2023.01.21 10:42:40 3: SIGNALduino: Unknown code u40#289B5FF4, help me!
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-615;P1=144;P2=592;P3=-227;P4=253;P5=-324;P6=-30124;P7=788;D=01023234023234023402323232323232323234023402340232340234025167;CP=2;R=229;
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=245;P1=-301;P2=552;P3=188;P4=-670;P6=-15104;D=0121342134212121212121212121042104213421213421342136;CP=2;R=240;
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-218;P1=176;P2=265;P3=-592;P4=604;D=232323401340131313401323404023404023402340404040404040404023402340234;CP=4;R=230;
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#6D7FD4 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -87
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#6D7FD4
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 6D7FD4
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011011010111111111010100
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown SIGNALduino Protocol:19 | To help decode or debug, please add u19! (attr SIGNALduino development m87,u5,u19)
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: Unknown, please report
2023.01.21 10:42:41 3: SIGNALduino: Unknown code u19#6D7FD4, help me!
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=185;P1=833;P2=-883;P3=246;P4=-666;P5=563;P6=-300;D=12121212343434563456343434560404565604565604560456565656565656565634563456045656045604560;CP=5;R=239;
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-270;P1=588;P2=243;P3=-629;P6=-2612;D=01010231023101010101010101010231023102326;CP=1;R=244;
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#D7FD4 length 20 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -80
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#D7FD4
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: D7FD4
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 11010111111111010100
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown SIGNALduino Protocol:19 | To help decode or debug, please add u19! (attr SIGNALduino development m87,u5,u19)
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: Unknown, please report
2023.01.21 10:42:41 3: SIGNALduino: Unknown code u19#D7FD4, help me!
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 40 dmsg u40#BFEA length 16 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -80
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u40#BFEA
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: BFEA
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 40
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 1011111111101010
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown SIGNALduino Protocol:40 | To help decode or debug, please add u40! (attr SIGNALduino development m87,u5,u40)
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: Unknown, please report
2023.01.21 10:42:41 3: SIGNALduino: Unknown code u40#BFEA, help me!
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=179;P1=-660;P2=575;P3=-269;P5=247;D=01232301230123232323232323232351235123512323012301230;CP=2;R=242;
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-14116;P1=816;P2=-888;P3=257;P4=-597;P5=615;P6=-242;D=012121212343434563456343434563434565634565636;CP=3;R=231;
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-1290;P1=1290;P2=-435;P3=438;P4=-12832;D=0121212121212121212121212303030303012121234121212121212121212121212121212123030303030121212341212121212121212121212121212121230303030301212123412121212121212121212121212121212303030303012121;CP=1;R=38;
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -55
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF07
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF07
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -55
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-4944;P1=1279;P2=-450;P3=451;P4=-1278;P5=-12810;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123435121212121212121212121212121212123434343412341234351212121212121212121212121212121234343434123412343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123;CP=1;R=44;
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -52
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -52
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -52
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-26972;P1=340;P2=-5152;P3=1267;P4=-455;P5=447;P6=-1285;P7=-12823;D=01234343434343434343434343434565656563434345657343434343434343434343434343434345656565634343456573434343434343434343434343434343456565656343434565734343434343434343434343434343434565656563434345;CP=3;R=52;
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -48
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001110
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -48
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:42 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-5656;P1=1284;P2=-440;P3=451;P4=-1285;P5=-12815;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123435121212121212121212121212121212123434343412341234351212121212121212121212121212121234343434123412343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123;CP=1;R=62;
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -43
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -43
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -43
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-442;P1=92;P2=-8008;P3=1283;P5=455;P6=-1274;P7=-12821;D=1230303030303030303030303030303030565656563030305657303030303030303030303030303030305656565630303056573030303030303030303030303030303056565656303030565730303030303030303030303030303030565656563030305;CP=3;R=61;
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -43.5
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001110
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -43.5
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -43.5
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-23408;P1=1280;P2=-440;P3=452;P4=-1283;P5=-12808;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123435121212121212121212121212121212123434343412341234351212121212121212121212121212121234343434123412343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123;CP=1;R=64;
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:42:43 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -42
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=224;P1=-2322;P2=1287;P3=-435;P4=472;P5=-1273;P6=-12822;D=0123232323232323232323234545454523232345462323232323232323232323232323232345454545232323454641;CP=2;R=74;
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -37
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-441;P1=1281;P3=452;P4=-1275;P5=-12812;P6=724;D=010101010101010101010101010103434343410101034356;CP=1;R=61;
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-1288;P1=1282;P2=-451;P3=445;D=01212121212121212121212121212303030301212123;CP=1;R=62;
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-31072;P1=1270;P2=-464;P3=439;P4=-1280;P5=-12824;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123435121212121212121212121212121212123434343412341234351212121212121212121212121212121234343434123412343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234123;CP=1;R=60;
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -44
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0A
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -44
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -44
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 9 -> weather matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-23076;P1=1283;P2=-439;P3=455;P4=-1277;P5=-12830;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123435121212121212121212121212121212123434343412121234351212121212121212121212121212121234343434121212343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123;CP=1;R=64;
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0E
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001110
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -42
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF0E, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:42:44 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:45 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:45 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:42:46 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P0=-9514;P1=456;P2=-4567;P3=-1995;D=1012131312131312121313131213131313131313131212131312131213;CP=1;SP=0;R=236;m2;
2023.01.21 10:42:46 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-3476;P1=448;P2=-1997;P3=-4562;P4=-9544;P5=-5912;D=0121213121312141312121312121313121212131212121212121212131312121312131215;CP=1;R=246;
2023.01.21 10:42:47 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P0=-4560;P1=447;P2=-2002;P5=-9575;D=1510121210121210101212121012121212121212121010121210121012;CP=1;SP=5;R=235;m2;
2023.01.21 10:42:47 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 0.1 -> weather (v2)
2023.01.21 10:42:47 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 0.1 dmsg s93100CA000 length 32 RSSI = -84.5
2023.01.21 10:42:47 4: SIGNALduino: CUL_TCM97001 ABS700_147 147 (93100CA000) length: 10
2023.01.21 10:42:47 4: SIGNALduino: CUL_TCM97001 using longid: 1 model: Mebus
2023.01.21 10:42:47 4: SIGNALduino: CUL_TCM97001 Mebus_49 ID: 49 T: 1.2 Bat: ok CH: 2
2023.01.21 10:42:47 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P0=-2010;P1=439;P2=-4571;P4=-9584;D=1412101012101012121010101210101010101010101212101012101210;CP=1;SP=4;R=233;
2023.01.21 10:42:47 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 0.1 -> weather (v2)
2023.01.21 10:42:47 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 0.1 dmsg s93100CA000 length 32 RSSI = -85.5
2023.01.21 10:42:47 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, s93100CA000, Dropped due to short time or equal msg

Manipulationskontakt schließen

2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-5156;P1=1282;P2=-442;P3=453;P4=-1280;P5=-12827;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121235121212121212121212121212121212123434343434121212351212121212121212121212121212121234343434341212123512121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121;CP=1;R=51;
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -48.5
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF07
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF07
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -48.5
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -48.5
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-12819;P1=447;P2=-2532;P3=112;P4=-448;P5=1284;P7=-1284;D=012345454545454545454545454545454171717175417171710545454545454545454545454545454541717171754171717105454545454545454545454545454545417171717541717171054545454545454545454545454545454171717175417171;CP=5;R=50;
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -49
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF08
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -49
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF08, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 49.2 -> GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 83 -> RH787T matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P0=1253;P1=-1290;P2=-4910;P3=437;P5=-12828;P6=784;P7=-449;D=3532670707070707070707070707073131313107313131;CP=3;SP=5;R=54;m2;
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 1 -> Conrad RSL v1
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 14 -> LED X-MAS
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=1253;P1=-1290;P2=-612;P3=437;P5=-12828;P7=-449;D=35070707070707070707070707070707073131313107313131350707070707070707070707070707070731313131073131313502;CP=0;R=54;
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF08, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -47
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF08, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 9 -> weather matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 71 -> PEARL matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=1277;P1=-620;P2=-450;P3=455;P4=-1275;D=010202020202020202020202020202343434340234343;CP=0;R=51;
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 9 -> weather matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:22 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 71 -> PEARL matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:43:23 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P1=-2005;P2=436;P3=-4573;P4=-9567;D=2423212123212123232121212321212121212121212323212123212321;CP=2;SP=4;R=238;m2;
2023.01.21 10:43:23 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 0.1 -> weather (v2)
2023.01.21 10:43:23 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 0.1 dmsg s93100CA000 length 32 RSSI = -83
2023.01.21 10:43:23 4: SIGNALduino: CUL_TCM97001 ABS700_147 147 (93100CA000) length: 10
2023.01.21 10:43:23 4: SIGNALduino: CUL_TCM97001 using longid: 1 model: Mebus
2023.01.21 10:43:23 4: SIGNALduino: CUL_TCM97001 Mebus_49 ID: 49 T: 1.2 Bat: ok CH: 2
2023.01.21 10:43:23 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P1=-2005;P2=436;P3=-4573;P4=-9567;D=2423212123212123232121212321212121212121212323212123212321;CP=2;SP=4;R=238;m1;
2023.01.21 10:43:23 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 0.1 -> weather (v2)
2023.01.21 10:43:23 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 0.1 dmsg s93100CA000 length 32 RSSI = -83
2023.01.21 10:43:23 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, s93100CA000, Dropped due to short time or equal msg

Manipulationskontakt öffnen

2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-17840;P1=1281;P2=-444;P3=441;P4=-1285;P5=-12813;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121235121212121212121212121212121212123434343434121212351212121212121212121212121212121234343434341212123512121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121;CP=1;R=53;
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF07
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF07
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-29784;P1=1285;P2=-436;P3=446;P4=-1284;P5=-12828;D=012121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121235121212121212121212121212121212123434343434121212351212121212121212121212121212121234343434341212123512121212121212121212121212121212343434343412121;CP=1;R=53;
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF07 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF07, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.21 10:44:08 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate

Ich denke das vom Magnetschalter zu oft gesendet wird. Ich hoffe, das keine Fremdsignale enthalten sind. Hier ist manchmal recht viel Funkverkehr.

bismosa avatar Jan 21 '23 09:01 bismosa

Sieht gut aus, was mich aber wundert ist, dass er trotz gleichem "Befehl" unterschiedlich ausgewertet wird:

2023.01.21 10:41:10 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111 
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010
2023.01.21 10:41:12 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001110
2023.01.21 10:41:13 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010

Als ob eine Art counter hochgezählt würde.

Ah ich hab mal übersetzt, es wurde wohl tamper_open, dann reed_open, reed_close, reed_open gesendet. Seltsamerweise, alles im Abschnitt "Magnetschalter auf:"

Das letzte byte gibt den Zustand an:

reed_open = 0x0A; reed_close = 0x0E; battery_low = 0x06; tamper_open = 0x07; tamper_close = 0x08;

Das davor, soll eine eindeutige ID sein, das sollte sich dann bei mehreren Magnetschaltern unterscheiden.

sidey79 avatar Jan 21 '23 11:01 sidey79

Merkwürdig. Ich habe jetzt den Magnetschalter durch einen Taster ersetzt.

reed_open (nur 1x im Log): 2023.01.21 13:02:06 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010 2023.01.21 13:03:04 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010 2023.01.21 13:03:28 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010

reed_close (jetzt auch nur noch 1x im Log): 2023.01.21 13:04:25 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001110 2023.01.21 13:05:25 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001110

tamper_close (gelegentlich mehrere Nachrichten) 2023.01.21 13:07:21 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000 2023.01.21 13:07:58 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111 2023.01.21 13:07:58 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000 2023.01.21 13:07:59 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111

tamper_open 2023.01.21 13:09:17 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000 2023.01.21 13:09:17 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111 2023.01.21 13:09:21 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111

2023.01.21 13:10:19 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111 2023.01.21 13:10:23 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111

2023.01.21 13:11:02 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000 2023.01.21 13:11:03 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100000111

Einen Counter gibt es wohl nicht. Aber es wird gelegentlich wohl auch der Status anderer Ports übertragen. Kann aber vielleicht auch noch ein Fehler in der Firmware sein?

Vielleicht liegt das aber auch an elektrischen Störungen in der nähe meines Rechners...oder am Sensor selbst. Möchte nur ungern noch einen "opfern" um das festzustellen. Zur Not geht das aber auch.

bismosa avatar Jan 21 '23 12:01 bismosa

Den Fall müsste man noch mal genauer durchleuchten. Vielleicht hat jemand vergessen ein debounce des Interrupts zu implementieren :)

Um den Funk völlig auszuschließen, könnte man den Transmit Pin an dem Sensor mit dem Eingang des Signalduinos verbinden. Quasi Funk durch Kabel ersetzen.

Ich glaube aber, es geht auch ohne, wenn man sich mit dem Entwickler der Sensor Firmware austauscht.

@elektron-bbs @HomeAutoUser

Habt ihr noch Ideen?

sidey79 avatar Jan 21 '23 13:01 sidey79

Er springt zwischen tamper_open und Close genauso wie bei reed_close. Ich habe da auch nichts gefunden, dass er entprellt wird.

sidey79 avatar Jan 21 '23 15:01 sidey79

Ich habe mittlerweile schon so viele Messgeräte...aber leider keinen echten Logic-Analyzer. Vielleicht könnte ich mit viel Aufwand etwas aus einem Arduino oder einem Raspberry zusammenstellen. Das ist aber alles nicht mal eben. :) Oder ich besorge mir endlich mal einen (zuindest günstigen) Logic-Analyzer.

Auch eine Messung mit meinem DSO201 wird vermutlich keine neuen Erkenntnisse bringen? Worauf würdest Du genau hinaus wollen?

Der Source Code der Firmware ist ja vorhanden: https://github.com/mightymos/ReedTripRadio/blob/v0.2.0/main.c

Ein debounce kann ich hier auch nicht wirklich erkennen.

Generell könnte man aber festhalten, das die Signale empfangen werden. Das ist ja schon richtig gut :)

bismosa avatar Jan 21 '23 16:01 bismosa

Prinzipiell kannst Du den Signalduino auch mit einer anderen Firmware Flaschen. Zusammen mit einem Python Gegenstück hast Du dann ein Messgerät :)

Aber das braucht es nicht.

Einerseits muss der Sender einen eindeutigen Zustand senden.

Davon unabhängige können wir den Sensor ja empfangen und integrieren.

sidey79 avatar Jan 21 '23 16:01 sidey79

Leider finde ich dazu nirgends einen Stromlaufplan. Prellen dürfte es beim ersten Beispiel eigentlich nicht sein. Da sollte ja höchstens ein Eingang wackeln. Vielleicht hat er ja auch vergessen, für die restlichen Eingänge die Pullups zu aktivieren. Ich finde im Quellcode nur "enable_tamper_pullup();".

Ansonsten passt Protokoll 5 eigentlich nicht so richtig.

const uint16_t gPulseHigh =   35;
const uint16_t gPulseLow  = 1085;
const uint16_t gZeroHigh  =   35;
const uint16_t gZeroLow   =  105;
const uint16_t gOneHigh   =  105;
const uint16_t gOneLow    =   35;

Diese Timings passen exakt zu Protokoll 3:

    "3"  =>  ## itv1 - remote with IC PT2262 example: ELRO | REWE | Intertek Modell 1946518 | WOFI Lamp // PIR JCHENG with Wireless Coding EV1527
        one              => [3,-1],
        zero             => [1,-3],
        sync             => [1,-31],

Allerdings haben wir das nur als MS eingetragen, empfangen hier aber nur MU-Nachrichten. Wenn ich eine zweite Definition anlege mit "start" statt "sync", also für MU passt das. Allerdings muss ich clockabs auf 400 erhöhen, statt der 350 beim Sender. Vielleicht ist der Prozessor ja zu langsam, oder die delays werden nicht richtig berechnet.

elektron-bbs avatar Jan 21 '23 16:01 elektron-bbs

Die 5 ist ja quasi nie fertig geworden, wegen der schwankenden Timings. Die passt in sofern, dass es noch im Toleranzbereich liegt. :)

sidey79 avatar Jan 21 '23 16:01 sidey79

Ich habe mittlerweile schon so viele Messgeräte...aber leider keinen echten Logic-Analyzer. Vielleicht könnte ich mit viel Aufwand etwas aus einem Arduino oder einem Raspberry zusammenstellen. Das ist aber alles nicht mal eben. :) Oder ich besorge mir endlich mal einen (zuindest günstigen) Logic-Analyzer.

Der hier reicht für solche einfachen Sachen vollkommen: https://www.az-delivery.de/en/products/saleae-logic-analyzer Funktioniert mit sigrok PulseView oder auch saleae Logic

elektron-bbs avatar Jan 21 '23 16:01 elektron-bbs

Ist ja schon bestellt :) Wollte ich schon immer mal haben...

Achtung! Mir wurde die FW extra erstellt mit geänderten Timings. In wie fern diese geändert worden sind...keine Ahnung. siehe https://github.com/mightymos/ReedTripRadio/issues/4#issuecomment-1387744525

Ich kann auch gerne nochmal die bisherige FW flashen und protokollieren.

Mit den Pullups stimmt. Es ist nur am "Tamper" 3.3V. Am reed-Kontakt ist die Spannung bei ca. 0,2V (anderer Kontakt GND). Da wundert man sich, das es überhaupt funktioniert. Bei der originalen FW ist auch am reed-Kontakt 3.3V

Die Kontakte sind sehr empfindlich (auch bei der originalen FW). Selbst mein Messgerät löst schon einen Sendevorgang aus.

bismosa avatar Jan 21 '23 17:01 bismosa

Achtung! Mir wurde die FW extra erstellt mit geänderten Timings. In wie fern diese geändert worden sind...keine Ahnung. siehe mightymos/ReedTripRadio#4 (comment)

Das ist wahrscheinlich der compilierte Code. Da kann man nicht sehen, was geändert wurde.

Mit den Pullups stimmt. Es ist nur am "Tamper" 3.3V. Am reed-Kontakt ist die Spannung bei ca. 0,2V (anderer Kontakt GND). Da wundert man sich, das es überhaupt funktioniert. Bei der originalen FW ist auch am reed-Kontakt 3.3V Die Kontakte sind sehr empfindlich (auch bei der originalen FW). Selbst mein Messgerät löst schon einen Sendevorgang aus.

Naja, das muss man sich über unvorhersehbare Zustände nicht wundern. Wenn sie es nicht in der Firmware hinbekommen (ich kenne diesen Prozessor nicht), kannst du nur selbst Pullups anlöten.

elektron-bbs avatar Jan 21 '23 19:01 elektron-bbs


Es wäre besser, wenn Du die "bisherige" Firmware verwendest. Spezielle Timings helfen uns letztendlich nicht weiter.

@elektron-bbs Wo bauen wir den Sensor ein ? SD_UT?

sidey79 avatar Jan 21 '23 21:01 sidey79

Ok. Ich habe jetzt wieder die "offizielle" neue Firmware geflasht. In SIGNALduino sollte ich die Protokolle "u40,u19" hinzufügen.

Hier die Logs: Tamper-Close

2023.01.22 07:35:39 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-6160;P1=995;P2=-326;P3=331;P4=-997;P5=-10228;D=01212121212121212121212121212121234343434123434343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234343;CP=1;R=54;
2023.01.22 07:35:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-10756;P1=977;P2=-343;P3=327;P4=-1000;D=01212121212121212121212121212121234343434123434343012121212121212121212121212121212343434341234343;CP=1;R=53;
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-656;P1=998;P2=-318;P3=330;P4=-994;P5=-10236;D=01212121212121212121212121212121234343434123434343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234343;CP=1;R=55;
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -46.5
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -46.5
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-17956;P1=984;P2=-343;P3=328;P4=-998;P5=-10220;D=01212121212121212121212121212121234343434123434343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234343;CP=1;R=53;
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:35:41 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 matches, trying to demodulate


2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-1940;P1=990;P2=-332;P3=333;P4=-996;P5=-10220;D=01212121212121212121212121212121234343434123434343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234343;CP=1;R=53;
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-6280;P1=994;P2=-331;P3=342;P4=-983;P5=-10244;D=01212121212121212121212121212121234343434123434343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234343;CP=1;R=53;
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=132;P1=-556;P2=984;P3=-345;P4=326;P5=-994;P6=-10220;D=01232323232323232323232323232345454545234545454623232323232323232323232323232323454545452345454;CP=2;R=53;
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFC20 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#FFFC20
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFC20
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111110000100000
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 40 dmsg u40#FFFC20 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u40#FFFC20
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFC20
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 40
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111110000100000
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-1332;P1=624;P2=-2756;P3=993;P4=-333;P5=325;P6=-1001;P7=-10216;D=0123434343434343434343434343434343456565656345656565734343434343434343434343434343434565656563456565;CP=3;R=57;
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:38 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 49.2 -> GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 49.2 dmsg P49#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse FFFF08, possible codes version 1 F0778 or version 2 F0778
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse found SD_GT_LEARN, version 1, systemCode A0F03
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse found SD_GT_A0F03_A, version 1, systemCode A0F03
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse found SD_GT_A0F03_all, version 1, systemCode A0F03
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse found SD_GT_A0F03_D, version 1, systemCode A0F03
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse found SD_GT_A0F03_B, version 1, systemCode A0F03
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse found SD_GT_A0F03_C, version 1, systemCode A0F03
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse FFFF08, found version 0 with systemCode 0
2023.01.22 07:38:39 3: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_LEARN FFFF08, 8 learned codes AB837C,AC1912,A9D662,A74A2E,A45D52,A52FBE,000000,000007
2023.01.22 07:38:39 3: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_LEARN ERROR - version not unique
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-11102;P1=989;P2=-333;P3=345;P4=-985;D=01212121212121212121212121212121234343434123434343012121212121212121212121212121212343434341234343;CP=1;R=57;
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-7220;P1=990;P2=-333;P3=334;P4=-994;P5=-10236;D=01212121212121212121212121212121234343434123434343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234343;CP=1;R=57;
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-339;P1=988;P2=324;P3=-999;P4=-10224;D=01010101010101010101010101023232323102323232410101010101010101010101010101010232323231023232;CP=1;R=57;
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFF840 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#FFF840
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFF840
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111100001000000
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:39 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-994;P1=92;P2=-2548;P3=993;P4=-337;P5=325;P6=-10224;D=0123434343434343434343434343434343450505050345050505634343434343434343434343434343434505050503450505;CP=3;R=57;
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 49.2 -> GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 49.2 dmsg P49#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse FFFF08, possible codes version 1 F0778 or version 2 F0778
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse found SD_GT_A0F03_all, version 1, systemCode A0F03
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse found SD_GT_LEARN, version 1, systemCode A0F03
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse found SD_GT_A0F03_A, version 1, systemCode A0F03
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse found SD_GT_A0F03_C, version 1, systemCode A0F03
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse found SD_GT_A0F03_D, version 1, systemCode A0F03
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse found SD_GT_A0F03_B, version 1, systemCode A0F03
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_Parse FFFF08, found version 0 with systemCode 0
2023.01.22 07:38:40 3: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_LEARN FFFF08, 8 learned codes AB837C,AC1912,A9D662,A74A2E,A45D52,A52FBE,000000,000007
2023.01.22 07:38:40 3: SIGNALduino: SD_GT_LEARN ERROR - version not unique
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-23828;P1=994;P2=-340;P3=334;P4=-994;P5=-10244;D=01212121212121212121212121212121234343434123434343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234343;CP=1;R=57;
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:38:40 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate


2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-10344;P1=984;P2=-343;P3=326;P4=-1001;D=01212121212121212121212121212121234343434121212343012121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123;CP=1;R=58;
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0E
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0E
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001110
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF0E length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#FFFF0E
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0E
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001110
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:39:53 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate


2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-982;P1=1006;P2=-321;P3=343;P4=-10224;D=01212121212121212121212121212121230303030123012303412121212121212121212121212121212303030301230123;CP=1;R=53;
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF0A
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0A
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF0A length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#FFFF0A
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF0A
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001010
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.22 07:40:53 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate

Könnt ihr damit was anfangen?

Übrigens: Die ganz offizielle Firmware wird schon sehr lange unterstützt. Als "Matched MS protocol id 3 -> chip xx2260 / xx2262".

Bei dem Projekt von https://github.com/mightymos/ReedTripRadio/ geht es darum eine alternative Firmware für die Sensoren zu Programmieren. Geplant sind da noch ein paar Features mehr. Das ist da aber auch alles noch sehr neu und in Entwicklung.

bismosa avatar Jan 22 '23 06:01 bismosa

Warum wollen wir dann nicht beim IT-Protokoll bleiben?

Mit dieser zusätzlichen Definition funktioniert es mit dem IT-Modul:

    "3.2" => ## itv1 - RCswitch Protocol 1 - door/window sensor
        name             => 'chip xx2260 / xx2262',
        comment          => 'remote for benon|ELRO|Kangtai|Intertek|REWE|WOFI / PIR JCHENG',
        id               => '3.2',
        knownFreqs       => '433.92',
        one              => [3,-1],
        zero             => [1,-3],
        start            => [1,-31],
        clockabs         => 350,
        reconstructBit   => '1',
        format           => 'twostate',
        preamble         => 'i',
        clientmodule     => 'IT',
        modulematch      => '^i......',
        length_min       => '23',
        length_max       => '24',

Das Device habe ich dann so konfiguriert:

define IT_1111111100 IT 1111111100 D0 1D DD
setuuid IT_1111111100 63cd149c-f33f-9025-e5c7-b0e5242b38d650df
attr IT_1111111100 room Test
attr IT_1111111100 userV1setCodes tamper:D0 reedClose:1D reedOpen:DD

Log vom Device:

2023-01-22_12:12:11 IT_1111111100 reedClose
2023-01-22_12:12:11 IT_1111111100 DMSG: iFFFF0E
2023-01-22_12:12:11 IT_1111111100 RSSI: -45
2023-01-22_12:12:11 IT_1111111100 RAWMSG: MU;P0=-10344;P1=984;P2=-343;P3=326;P4=-1001;D=01212121212121212121212121212121234343434121212343012121212121212121212121212121212343434341212123;CP=1;R=58;
2023-01-22_12:12:11 IT_1111111100 Protocol_ID: 3.2
2023-01-22_12:13:05 IT_1111111100 reedOpen
2023-01-22_12:13:05 IT_1111111100 RAWMSG: MU;P0=-982;P1=1006;P2=-321;P3=343;P4=-10224;D=01212121212121212121212121212121230303030123012303412121212121212121212121212121212303030301230123;CP=1;R=53;
2023-01-22_12:13:05 IT_1111111100 Protocol_ID: 3.2
2023-01-22_12:13:05 IT_1111111100 RSSI: -47.5
2023-01-22_12:13:05 IT_1111111100 DMSG: iFFFF0A
2023-01-22_12:15:04 IT_1111111100 tamper
2023-01-22_12:15:04 IT_1111111100 DMSG: iFFFF08
2023-01-22_12:15:04 IT_1111111100 RSSI: -47
2023-01-22_12:15:04 IT_1111111100 RAWMSG: MU;P0=-6160;P1=995;P2=-326;P3=331;P4=-997;P5=-10228;D=01212121212121212121212121212121234343434123434343512121212121212121212121212121212343434341234343;CP=1;R=54;
2023-01-22_12:15:04 IT_1111111100 Protocol_ID: 3.2

Bleibt nur noch ein Haken in der Firmware: Das Teil sendet bei "Tamper-Close" und "Tamper-Open" den gleichen Code: FFFF08

elektron-bbs avatar Jan 22 '23 11:01 elektron-bbs

Wir brauchen kein weiteres Protokoll, der Sender muss nur die Anzahl an Wiederholungen erhöhen.

Ob sich mit dem Intertechno aber die Daten brauchbar darstellen lassen bezweifle ich ein bisschen, aber womöglich geht es mit userreadings.

sidey79 avatar Jan 22 '23 12:01 sidey79

Das lässt sich mit einem Attribut steuern:

Damit können beim ITv1 Protokoll eigene setcodes zugefügt werden.
Die setcodes werden auch für den Empfang verwendet, dabei haben die userV1setCodes Vorrang vor den XMIT Codes.
attr lamp userV1setCodes rot:FD blau:1F
attr lamp userV1setCodes hoch:1001 runter:1000 stop:1011
attr IT_1527x12345 userV1setCodes closed:0111 open:1110 tamper:1011 lowVoltage:1111 # Kerui Fensterkontakt

elektron-bbs avatar Jan 22 '23 12:01 elektron-bbs

Na okay, hatte nicht erwartet, dass das mit der Batterie so klappt :)

sidey79 avatar Jan 22 '23 13:01 sidey79

Bleibt nur noch ein Haken in der Firmware: Das Teil sendet bei "Tamper-Close" und "Tamper-Open" den gleichen Code: FFFF08

Habe das jetzt nochmal beobachtet. Manchmal kommt auch ein FFFF07. Springt dann meist kurze Zeit später wieder auf FFFF08. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, das hier die Firmware noch ein paar Bugs hat. Obwohl hier ja sogar der PullUp aktiviert worden ist.

FFFF06 konnte ich jetzt auch bei einer leeren Batterie sehen.

bismosa avatar Jan 22 '23 13:01 bismosa

Es gibt jetzt eine neue Firmware. V0.3.0 https://github.com/mightymos/ReedTripRadio/releases/tag/v0.3.0

Added very basic switch debouncing. Added small delay between retransmissions to give receive processing time to interpret and/or wake up.

Ein kurzer Test zeigt nun im device SIGNALduino_unknown_5 tamper close: FFFF08 tamper open: FFFF07 switch close: FFFF0E switch open: FFFF0A low batt: nichts evtl. falsch getestet

Also genauso wie im Source-Code der Firmware. Debounce scheint schon recht gut zu funktionieren. Ich habe nicht mehr so viele Nachrichten, die kurz hintereinander gesendet werden. Ich habe allerdings bedenken, das es mit den Wiederholungen richtig funktioniert. Die Sendezeit (beobachtet in SDR-Sharp) ist deutlich geringer zu der originalen Firmware. Hier mal ein Vergleich: image

Die zwei "kurzen" sind mit der neuen Firmware aufgezeichnet.

Hier mal ein Log-Auszug mit der Originalen Firmware:

2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;‘́;¢À…;ƒɅ;´ҁ;µȶ;dQ!#CCCA!!!#A#A!!!!!!#A#A!;C1;S5;R6;O;m2;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P1=461;P2=-1344;P3=1353;P4=-466;P5=-14024;D=15121234343434121212123412341212121212121234123412;CP=1;SP=5;R=6;O;m2;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 3 -> chip xx2260 / xx2262
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Starting demodulation at Position 2
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, dispatching bits: 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 3 dmsg i3C280A length 24 RSSI = -71
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, test ungleich: disabled
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, -71 dB, dispatch
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: dispatch i3C280A
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino IT: message "i3C280A" (7)
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 001111000010100000001010
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x3c280  onoffcode = 1010
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;‘ၻ¢˅;ƒͅ;´Ɂ;µ°¶;D44444444;C1;S5;R6;O;m1;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P1=481;P2=-1355;P3=1357;P4=-457;P5=-14000;D=15121234343434121212123412341212121212121234123412;CP=1;SP=5;R=6;O;m1;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 3 -> chip xx2260 / xx2262
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Starting demodulation at Position 2
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, dispatching bits: 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 3 dmsg i3C280A length 24 RSSI = -71
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, test gleich
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;‘ف;¢΅;ƒDž;´́;µ¾¶;D44444444;C1;S5;R6;O;m0;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P1=473;P2=-1358;P3=1351;P4=-460;P5=-14014;D=15121234343434121212123412341212121212121234123412;CP=1;SP=5;R=6;O;m0;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 3 -> chip xx2260 / xx2262
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Starting demodulation at Position 2
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, dispatching bits: 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 3 dmsg i3C280A length 24 RSSI = -71
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, test gleich
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;‘Ё;¢Ņ;ƒą;´Ɂ;µͶ;D44444444;C1;S5;R6;O;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P1=464;P2=-1349;P3=1348;P4=-457;P5=-14029;D=15121234343434121212123412341212121212121234123412;CP=1;SP=5;R=6;O;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 3 -> chip xx2260 / xx2262
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Starting demodulation at Position 2
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, dispatching bits: 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 3 dmsg i3C280A length 24 RSSI = -71
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, test gleich
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;Ł;¡Ʌ;‚ׅ;³ˁ;´Ķ;D########;C0;S4;RF5;O;m2;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P0=453;P1=-1353;P2=1367;P3=-459;P4=-14020;D=04010123232323010101012301230101010101010123012301;CP=0;SP=4;R=245;O;m2;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 3 -> chip xx2260 / xx2262
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Starting demodulation at Position 2
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, dispatching bits: 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 3 dmsg i3C280A length 24 RSSI = -79.5
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, test gleich
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;Ӂ;¡݅;‚À…;³Ɂ;´ž¶;D########;C0;S4;RF5;O;m1;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P0=467;P1=-1373;P2=1344;P3=-457;P4=-13982;D=04010123232323010101012301230101010101010123012301;CP=0;SP=4;R=245;O;m1;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 3 -> chip xx2260 / xx2262
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Starting demodulation at Position 2
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, dispatching bits: 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 3 dmsg i3C280A length 24 RSSI = -79.5
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, test gleich
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;߁;¡ʅ;‚҅;³;´«¶;D########;C0;S4;RF5;O;m0;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P0=479;P1=-1354;P2=1362;P3=-450;P4=-13995;D=04010123232323010101012301230101010101010123012301;CP=0;SP=4;R=245;O;m0;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 3 -> chip xx2260 / xx2262
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Starting demodulation at Position 2
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, dispatching bits: 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 3 dmsg i3C280A length 24 RSSI = -79.5
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, test gleich
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Ms;ׁ;¡υ;‚½…;³ہ;´¶;D########;C0;S4;RF5;O;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MS;P0=471;P1=-1359;P2=1341;P3=-475;P4=-13981;D=04010123232323010101012301230101010101010123012301;CP=0;SP=4;R=245;O;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Matched MS protocol id 3 -> chip xx2260 / xx2262
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Starting demodulation at Position 2
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, dispatching bits: 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MS, Decoded matched MS protocol id 3 dmsg i3C280A length 24 RSSI = -79.5
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, test gleich
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, i3C280A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Read, RAW rmsg: Mu;؁;¡Ӆ;‚·…;³ց;´ض;d################ ;C0;R5;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=472;P1=-1363;P2=1335;P3=-470;P4=-14040;D=01232323230101010123012301010101010101230123010401012323232301010101230123010101010101012301230;CP=0;R=5;
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){24,})) did not match
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:01|01){43,})) did not match
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 9 -> weather matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:01|23){60,}(?:2|0)?)) did not match
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 24 -> Visivo remote not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 26 -> xavax not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 31 -> LTECH not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, 0. try, regex ((?:0)((?:32|10){19,}(?:3|1)?)) did not match
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, for MU protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 49.1 -> GT-9000 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 49.2 -> GT-9000 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 56 -> AC114-xxB not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:01|23){48,})) did not match
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, 0. try, regex ((?:40)((?:30|30){12,})) did not match
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 95 -> Techmar not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 97 -> Momento not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 99 -> Navaris 44344.04 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:48:31 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 104 -> TR60C-1 not found, aborting

Und hier mit der neuen:

2023.01.23 17:49:06 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-1532;P1=337;P2=-5136;P3=998;P4=-333;P5=-982;P6=-10211;D=012343434343434343434343434151515153415151516343434343434343434343434343434341515151534151515163434343434343434343434343434343415151515341515151634343434343434343434343434343434151515153415151;CP=3;R=58;
2023.01.23 17:49:06 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 5 -> Unitec matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.23 17:49:06 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, part is 343434343434343434343434343434341515151534151515 starts at position 45 and ends at 93
2023.01.23 17:49:06 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:34|15){24,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2023.01.23 17:49:06 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, dispatching hex: u5#FFFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:06 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45
2023.01.23 17:49:06 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF08, test ungleich: disabled
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF08, -45 dB, dispatch
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: dispatch u5#FFFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u5#FFFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 5
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino_unknown: SIGNALduino Protocol u55 found in AttrVal development!
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, part is 343434343434343434343434343434341515151534151515 starts at position 95 and ends at 143
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, 2. try demodulation at Pos 95
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, dispatching hex: u5#FFFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 5 dmsg u5#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -45
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF08, test gleich
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u5#FFFF08, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, part is 3434343434343434343434341515151534151515 starts at position 3 and ends at 43
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:34|15){19,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (19..23) length=20
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, dispatching hex: u19#FFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFF08 length 20 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u19#FFF08, test ungleich: disabled
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u19#FFF08, -45 dB, dispatch
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: dispatch u19#FFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#FFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 11111111111100001000
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino_unknown: SIGNALduino Protocol u1919 found in AttrVal development!
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, part is 343434343434343434343434343434341515151534151515 starts at position 45 and ends at 93
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 45 regex ((?:)((?:34|15){19,}))
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, part is 343434343434343434343434343434341515151534151515 starts at position 95 and ends at 143
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, 3. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 95 regex ((?:)((?:34|15){19,}))
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, part is 3434343434343434343434343434343415151515341515 starts at position 145 and ends at 191
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, 4. try demodulation at Pos 145
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, dispatching hex: u19#FFFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Decoded matched MU protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FFFF08 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -45
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u19#FFFF08, test ungleich: disabled
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Dispatch, u19#FFFF08, -45 dB, dispatch
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: dispatch u19#FFFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#FFFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFF08
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111100001000
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino_unknown: SIGNALduino Protocol u1919 found in AttrVal development!
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 24 -> Visivo remote not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 26 -> xavax not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 27 -> EFTH-800 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 31 -> LTECH not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, 0. try, regex ((?:1)((?:53|51){19,}(?:5)?)) did not match
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, for MU protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 40 -> Romotec  not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 49.1 -> GT-9000 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 49.2 -> GT-9000 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 54 -> TFA 30.3233.01 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 56 -> AC114-xxB not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 4: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, Fingerprint for MU protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:15|34){38,}(?:1|3)?)) did not match
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 95 -> Techmar not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 97 -> Momento not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 99 -> Navaris 44344.04 not found, aborting
2023.01.23 17:49:07 5: SIGNALduino: Parse_MU, start pattern for MU protocol id 104 -> TR60C-1 not found, aborting

Wie kann ich sonst helfen?

bismosa avatar Jan 23 '23 16:01 bismosa

Du musst erst mal nichts mehr tun. Entweder binden wir meine Änderungen https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/1152#issuecomment-1399459531 ein, oder hoffen auf den Vorschlag von @sidey79 https://github.com/mightymos/ReedTripRadio/issues/4#issuecomment-1399442559

elektron-bbs avatar Jan 23 '23 17:01 elektron-bbs

Hmm, das müsste jetzt doch als MS passend zu Protokoll 3 erkannt werden, wird es aber nicht. Seltsam.

sidey79 avatar Jan 23 '23 17:01 sidey79

Reichen 2 Nachrichten für die Erkennung von MS?

2023.01.23 17:49:06 4: SIGNALduino: Read, msg READredu: MU;P0=-1532;P1=337;P2=-5136;P3=998;P4=-333;P5=-982;P6=-10211;D=

elektron-bbs avatar Jan 24 '23 19:01 elektron-bbs

Meiner Erinnerung nach ja. Ich habe mir auch gestern den Code angesehen und war auch dieser Meinung dass es eine Wiederholung braucht.

Dann habe ich mir überlegt, dass es mit aktivierten Debug Ausgaben vermutlich einfacher zu verstehen ist, warum es nicht klappt. Das hatte ich mit visual Micro auch mal am laufen, dass man am PC debuggen könnte aber unter Pio bin ich nicht mehr sicher, wie gut mir das gelungen ist.

sidey79 avatar Jan 24 '23 20:01 sidey79

Mein neues Spielzeug ist da :) Habe mal direkt aufgezeichnet: image

Könnt ihr noch mehr Aufzeichnungen gebrauchen? Einfach bescheid geben. Auch ggf. in welchem Format ich das zur Verfügung stellen soll.

bismosa avatar Jan 25 '23 16:01 bismosa

Der Screenshot sieht aus wie von saleae Logic. Lade doch einfach mal eine Datei davon hoch.

elektron-bbs avatar Jan 25 '23 16:01 elektron-bbs