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Networking: Inconsistent placement of spawned players
When spawning multiple players, they occasionally do not spawn in the correct position.
Current Behavior
When spawning multiple players, they occasionally do not spawn in the correct position. Rather, they spawn at the origin, which is quite some distance from the station. This leads to them having a silhouetted image as seen below.
This behaviour is not consistent, and cannot be reliably reproduced. However, my experience is that it happens most frequently when there are many players in the game, and they all join at round start rather than late join.
Steps to Reproduce
Make a build of the game.
Load up the game using the .bat files with as many players as you have the patience for. E.g. Host, John, GhostOfBeep. You can also make additional players by copying and slightly modifying the existing .bat files.
Set all players to "Ready".
Start the round (from "HostingUser" or "John", the others won't have permissions).
Check all players to see if they are in the station (desired outcome), or in the void (erroneous outcome). In some cases the lobby screen will not have disappeared (which is a separate issue). If that is the case, use Escape to hide it so you can check the results.
From my experience, performing the above steps with 10 clients generally leads to about half of the clients spawning incorrectly, and pretty much guarantees at least one will spawn incorrectly.
Can't replicate the issue
that bug was happening both on Ryan's and on my computer, it could have been solved somehow since but I doubt it. It wasn't happening everytime too. It seemed to happen more frequently on Ryan's computer than it did on mine though. I'm not willing to close that one yet unless we have at least two people doing large scale testing on it (at least trying to launch 5 times 10+ player without issues)
removing this from milestone as unconfirmed if bug is still there