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Present Prez Profile system config
In Prez docco
ex:hasProfiledClass [
ex:class geo:Feature ;
ex:profile # inverse of <Profile> constrains <Class>
<> ,
<> ;
ex:defaultProfile <> ;
] ;
ex:formats [
ex:class geo:Feature ;
ex:profile <> ;
"application/ld+json" ,
"application/rdf+xml" ,
"text/html" ,
"text/turtle" ,
"application/geo+json" ,
ex:defaultFormat "text/html" ;
] ,
ex:class geo:Feature ;
ex:profile <> ;
dcterms:format "application/geo+json" ;
ex:defaultFormat "application/geo+json" ;
] ,
can be derived from the constrains <Class>
details presented by all loaded profiles.
is a per-system configuration with Prez shipping with defaults, e.g. as per above, GeoSPARQL is the default for geo:Feature
Decide where to put this config: is it just another RDF file in the Profiles dir?
This is a profiled view of classes (i.e. a "class" profile), where we are after inbound links to classes e.g. profile X constrainsClass Y. So it can be created with the current profiling mechanisms
would make sense to add /classes and /classes/{class} endpoints, even if they're not exposed in the frontend