parse-burp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
parse-burp copied to clipboard

Parser no longer working

Open leebaird opened this issue 9 years ago • 3 comments

Something has changed in the xml output causing the parser to stop working recently. There are no error printed to the screen. The output consists of a single line of misc characters.

leebaird avatar Mar 14 '15 20:03 leebaird

Please provide an example console output. Also, what version of Burpsuite are you using? What is the XML version of the file your trying to parse? How big is it. Does it contain vulnerabilities? Did you choose to base64 encode the output from burp?

The last question is probably the most important but please try and answer the others.

R3dy avatar Mar 14 '15 22:03 R3dy

Normal console output. v1.6.12 v1.1 2MB Yes No

Viewing the file using gedit on Linux, I get an error: The file you opened has some invalid characters. If you continue editing this file you could corrupt this document. You can also choose another character encoding and try again.

Here is a sample of bad characters: Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2015 16:18:06 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.22 OpenSSL/0.9.8t mod_jk/1.2.31 X-Powered-By: Accept-Ranges: bytes ETag: W/"973-1350562278000" Last-Modified: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 12:11:18 GMT Content-Length: 973 Keep-Alive: timeout=5 Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: image/gif

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leebaird avatar Mar 19 '15 17:03 leebaird

the script uses ruby's Nokogiri gem to parse XML. It doesn't know how to make sense of a PNG file. I should probably be requiring base64 encoded paramaters and simply decode them while parsing. Stay tuned for an update.

R3dy avatar Nov 20 '15 15:11 R3dy