Anyone up for creating a continuous scrolling message plugin? - message could be saved in config file - option of single colour or rainbow Example could be "Happy Birthday Monty"
Call me obsessive (electronics engineer) but I feel the need to make the various plugins consistent (word position, colour etc). I note things like RSS feeds, seconds, reset, shutting down...
Just had this bug occur, but I couldn't record it unfortunately. Wordclock is set up with typewriter mode, clock ticked over 7:59 PM, and kept refreshing screen time for the...
Previous py3 development versions of the wordclock had issues with the seconds plugin jumping numbers. This seems to have been largely fixed (somehow) with the latest builds. However i have...
Has anyone considered expanding the 'display time in words' plugin to include day / month . e.g. Tuesday 27 June
We have two issues with plugins 1) MATRIX WITH TIME - slow and jerky display of the matrix green fonts - you can visually see it refreshing from left to...