Viktor Nyblom
Viktor Nyblom
A bit off-topic, but as an FYI, I am currently in Indonesia and cannot connect to any of my firebase projects (region doesn't seem to matter) unless I use a...
It's definitely broken. Tried the functions below. The common version doesn't work (returns zero results), but the ones where I use the native versions work as expected. Tried looking at...
> Is there any update or fix on that? I need to use the phone number with OTP auth. There are a couple of issues around it and two open...
@EliasMazz I've set all the iOS things to static (seems to be a Firebase SDK iOS thing) and exported MOKO like so: ``` listOf( iosX64(), iosArm64(), iosSimulatorArm64() ).forEach { iosTarget...
If you're trying to do what I think you are trying to do I think you want to put a navigator in your tabs. That way you can just call...
@DevSrSouza I had the same issue after updating compose, and can confirm that the issue is fixed in `1.1.0-alpha04`. Big thanks to @hm-tamim!
@Syer10 I don't think so. I'm using the below code in my project and it works just fine. The trick is to have the `BottomSheetNavigator` wrap the `TabNavigator` and then...
@Moozart, first of all, whenever you ask yourself something like "would X work" I would recommend just creating a small sample project so you can test your assumptions for yourself....
I don't think it is possible atm, because BottomSheetNavigator under the hood uses BottomSheetLayout from compose.material. I do think the correct solution is to update BottomSheetNavigator so that it uses...
That is how I do it atm and it works just fine as long as you don't need to share instances. You're just passing in an instance via a constructor....