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Pure PHP library to read JRXML files made in "JasperSoft Studio" and generate reports in PDF/XLS
When using groups on jasper file it doesn't group the records accordingly. I have a "cidades" listing grouped by "mesoregioes" and "estados" Following image shows the output of jaspersoft studio...
I have tried with "composer require quilhasoft/jasperphp" but it doesn't work.
I am using PHP 8.0 and getting following errors, is there a known issue to run under php 8.0? ` Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Non-static method JasperPHP\StaticText::formatPen() cannot be called...
Estimados amigos, Quisiera su ayuda, no se de que manera podría resolver el problema de que al momento de utilizar una expresión lógica en un campo de mi reporte JasperReport,...
header page inside the subreport does not repeat when we have more than 1 (one) page, is there how we can handle this to force repeat inside the subreport?
What is the best way (is supported any) to format monetary numbers and dates on the report?
Olá, Rogério. Gostaria de saber se o JasperPHP oferece suporte a filtros sql que utilizam parâmetros Java Collection no JasperReports. Consultas como a seguinte: `SELECT * FROM bd_banco.contratos WHERE $X{IN,...
Grettings, I have a iReport file with 3 pages wich contains some fields and controls but when i test the report in pdf generation this shows the fields with another...
Grettings, I've implemented your class in my project, when i process the pdf no shows images. Please tell me how can i do for shows the images. Thanks, Omar Noboa...
Dear, How to send print direct to printer?