Tab-Groups icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Tab-Groups copied to clipboard

Suggestion: checkbox to toggle (de)select all groups/tabs to be recovered/imported

Open GJRobert opened this issue 7 years ago • 15 comments

I found that, after choosing "Load groups and tabs from...", all the groups and tabs in the list are all checked: firefox-tabgroups-suggestion-deselect-all

This way, users may have to uncheck all the items and then only select the single groups to be imported.

Would it be faster to have a "select all"/"deselect all" checkbox somewhere near the red circled corner in the screenshot above?

Thanks for your attention!

GJRobert avatar Sep 08 '16 11:09 GJRobert

I like it! It's also simple enough that I might add it in the very next update.

Quicksaver avatar Sep 08 '16 22:09 Quicksaver

From #495 some quotations. From iG8R:

Is it possible to add following menu items to the "Restore Tab Groups" list? Select all groups and tabs, Deselect all groups and tabs, Select tabs only in current group, Deselect tabs only in current group, Revert selection, Collapse all, Expand all It would be more comfortable to restore groups with these menu items.

From Quicksaver:

Select tabs only in current group, Deselect tabs only in current group Not currently possible, it doesn't really know what exist groups correspond to what is on the backup. It would need some sort of unchanging unique identifier, and to be completely honest I don't see much gain from it other than some very specific situations.

What I meant under "Select tabs only in current group, Deselect tabs only in current group": When I'm located on the name of a group or on one of its tabs, clicking on "Select tabs only in current group" or "Deselect tabs only in current group" button leads to the same result as in the following screenshots: tabgroups 2016-11-22_15-25-55 Result: tabgroups 2016-11-22_15-25-25

iG8R avatar Nov 22 '16 13:11 iG8R

Then why would you need another button to do that? I don't get it.

Quicksaver avatar Nov 22 '16 15:11 Quicksaver

It would be comfortable if this function will work even if a user is not on a groups name but also on any tab in this group. E,g. there are: Group 1 -1st tab ... -100th tab Group 2 -1st tab ... -100th tab Group 3 -1st tab ... -100th tab

I stand on 45th tab of Group 2 and want to: Select all tabs only in this group Deselect all tabs only this group Collapse this group Expand this group.

At the moment to do this it is needed to: -scroll up to the name of a desired group -click on appropriate place next to a group name.

With requested buttons it will be needed only to click on corresponding button while cursor would stand on a tab belonging to the required group.

iG8R avatar Nov 22 '16 16:11 iG8R

If speed and ease-of-use is what you're looking for, you're probably better off using the keyboard for that. That list works just like you'd expect from any other kind of list in any application.

Press :arrow_backward: on a tab item to go back to its group. Press :arrow_backward: and :arrow_forward: to collapse or open the group item accordingly. Press Spacebar or Enter to check and uncheck an item, either group or tab.

Note that in the current version, pressing Spacebar to un/check an item will also scroll the page. I've already fixed it for the next version, but if you want to try it now, I've already uploaded beta version 2.1.2b5 with a fix for that.

Quicksaver avatar Nov 22 '16 17:11 Quicksaver

Thank you :) I tried new beta and it works well. Observing a glitch. "Load Groups and Tabs From..." -> Select a back up -> Group 1 -1st tab ... -100th tab Point with a mouse cursor to the 1st tab. Group 1 -1st tab ... -100th tab Press left arrow key (<-) Group 1 -1st tab ... -100th tab Press right arrow key (->) Group 1 -1st tab ... -100th tab Again press right arrow key (->) And after this any arrow key doesn't work and it is not possible to use them to move through the list.

iG8R avatar Nov 22 '16 18:11 iG8R

It's not meant to, you'll have to use the down arrow for that. Think of left and right as collapse/expand and go into/out of a level. Pressing the right arrow on a tab item can't go "into" it because it has nothing "in" it; I mean it's not a container, it doesn't contain anything.

Quicksaver avatar Nov 22 '16 18:11 Quicksaver

I understand it but what can any user do if he/she will accidentally tap on the right arrow standing on a tab item? I noticed that if I tap on the right arrow while standing on a tab item, a focus is switching to Firefox add-ons page and I can scroll this page with the up and down arrow keys. But I can't return the focus to the list of Groups and their Tabs with the arrow keys.

iG8R avatar Nov 22 '16 18:11 iG8R

I noticed that if I tap on the right arrow while standing on a tab item, a focus is switching to Firefox add-ons page

That... what?! That's not supposed to happen at all... The arrow keys shouldn't switch tabs like that. Does that happen if you disable all your other add-ons except for Tab Groups?

Quicksaver avatar Nov 22 '16 19:11 Quicksaver

I use absolutely clean profile with only one add-on - TabGroups. Right arrow key doesn't switch any tab it switches a focus inside TabGroups add-on page from the list of backups to main page of the TabGroups Option page. I checked it several times and some time a focus is changed but another time after tapping on right arrow key nothing happens except after this it is not possible to use any arrow key to move through the list of backups. It is very weird.

iG8R avatar Nov 22 '16 19:11 iG8R

To clarify, you can switch the pages in the preferences tab using the arrow keys, but only if the focus is already in the left switchers (for example by pressing the Tab key until it gets there). Same thing for switching actual tabs.

But if you are already navigating in the list of tabs and groups to import from a backup, then the focus should never leave the list using only the arrow keys.

Quicksaver avatar Nov 22 '16 20:11 Quicksaver

To clarify, you can switch the pages in the preferences tab using the arrow keys, but only if the focus is already in the left switchers (for example by pressing the Tab key until it gets there). Same thing for switching actual tabs.


But if you are already navigating in the list of tabs and groups to import from a backup, then the focus should never leave the list using only the arrow keys.

If I already navigating in the list of groups and their tabs that I launched by clicking "Load Groups and Tabs From..." and if I tap on the right arrow button several times to move from Group 1 to Tab 1 and from Tab 1 to... null the focus from this list is moved to the Option page and with up and down arrow keys I can scroll the Option page, e.g. to see "Clear Groups Data" button.

iG8R avatar Nov 22 '16 20:11 iG8R

That's just not supposed to happen. Could you be pressing the touchpad by accident? Or clicking the mouse? Or may some application in your system running in the background is shifting focus between windows? (You may not even actually see it, it could be instantaneous, but enough for Firefox to lose track of where the focus should be.)

Does the same happen for example in Firefox Options - Search, in the list of search engines?

Quicksaver avatar Nov 22 '16 20:11 Quicksaver

That's just not supposed to happen.

I know, that's why I think it is a glitch. No, I don't have touchpad and I did't touch my mouse. There is no application running that may shift focus.

Does the same happen for example in Firefox Options - Search, in the list of search engines?

No, only in the TabGroups Option page. That is why it is weird.

iG8R avatar Nov 22 '16 20:11 iG8R

Hello Quicksaver,

Glad you like this idea!

GJRobert avatar Jan 17 '17 02:01 GJRobert