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🔋Batteries included Remix template with Tailwind, Prisma and powerful form utils

Remix Template

With :

Before you start

You should check out the demo app to learn what you can achieve with this template (read here).

Then you should delete these :

  • Then entire /app/features/demo directory
  • The /app/routes/demo.tsx file
  • The demo() function in /prisma/seed.ts
  • The two Demo models in /prisma/schema.prisma

Don't forget to add a .env file at the root of the project and declare a DATABASE_URL too.

You should also update meta() function and the manifest.json with you application name.


A quick summary of the key features :

  • Data
    • Send and receive complex objects with dates and more through your loader
    • Ensure your loader and action returns the same thing as expected between client and server
    • Easily paginate lists of data, directly in your loader with a page number the query param
    • Store and access your data easily with Prisma
  • Forms
    • Send arrays, objects and arrays of objects from your forms with qs
    • Get a properly typed and deserialized object of your form in your action with a single function call
    • Validate this object, and get back nice and precise errors with Zod (with the same function call)
    • Easily and nicely display those errors to the user
    • Get what the action of a multi-action route form in one line (example: create or delete)
    • Ensure this action is the one sent by your form client-side

Utilitary functions and components

A lot of utils functions and hooks are already available with Remix Utils, this template adds a bunch more like :

  • parseFormData() and safeParseFormData(), using qs and zod to powerfully parse your form data. It allows to :

    • Parse primitive directly (Numbers, dates, null/undefined, arrays, objects...)
    • Provide a zod validator to ensure the form is correct (compatible with <FormField/>)

    Just throw your request and your zod validator inside parseFormData(), catch a potential error and return error.format(). Now you can simply wrap your inputs in <FormField error={actionResult.error?.myField}/> to nicely display your zod error messages !

    You can send objects and arrays from a form by simply appending [] or [key] to the fields name :

     <input type="text" name="title" />
     <input type="number" name="order" />
     <input type="text" name="user[firstName]" />
     <input type="text" name="user[lastName]" />
     <input type="date" name="dates[]" />
     <input type="date" name="dates[]" />
     <input type="date" name="dates[]" />

    becomes :

        title: 'My project',
        order: 5,
        user: {
           firstName: 'Quentin',
           lastName: 'Widlocher',
        dates: [
           Date Wed Feb 23 2022 00:00:00,
           Date Tue Jul 21 2022 00:00:00,
           Date Thu Mar 01 2022 00:00:00,
  • useCurrentRoute(), to simply get the name of the current route client-side

  • useNestedHandleValue(), to access previously loaded data from parent routes client-side.

  • getFormAction(), to quickly extract the _action field from a form, and ensure it's correctly typed. This field is usually used to have a single route with multiple actions. You can also use this type in the client to ensure the form provides the right type

  • <FormField/> and <ErrorMessage/>, to display a form field with a label, and automatically display ZodFormattedErrors from your validator.

  • paginateLoader(), to quickly paginate a list, coming from any source of data. It uses a ?p=1 query parameter.

A Prisma ORM, ready to use

The template comes with Prisma.

You can access the Prisma client by importing db from ~/utils/db.ts.
This script allow reloading the Remix server without re-creating a new database connection each time.

You can seed your Prisma database by updating the seed() function in /prisma/seed.ts

Tailwind CSS

The template uses PostCSS to include

CSS is compiled from /styles to /app/styles.
Don't write css inside /app/styles or else it will be removed!

Ready to be a PWA

This template provide a manifest.json and a service worker (sw.js) to cache requests to built files.

A demo "app"

Everything mentionned above can be seen in the /app/features/demo directory. It's heavily commented so you should definitely have a look to see how I recommend using this template.

To view this demo :

  1. Add this line to a .env file at the root of the project :
    • DATABASE_URL=file:./demo-db.sqlite?mode=memory&cache=shared
  2. Run yarn && yarn prisma migrate dev to build the database
  3. Run yarn dev to launch the app
  4. Access the demo on localhost:3000/demo

This demo is loosely based on Bulletproof React. This is simply how I prefer to organize my code but feel free to do as you please.