UIDrawer copied to clipboard
[Question] DrawerPresentationControllerDelegate not working, applied to a UIViewController received as argument in a Pod class
My I have to make a Pod who show a modal with custom height from bottomBar compatible with iOS12.
I trying to use a library called UIDrawer to show the bottomBar
I have a Pod that is initialized as following:
Example init ViewController:
let myPod = myPodController(controller: self, randomStr: "someRandomString")
and myPodController has the following structure class
public class myPodController: UIViewController {
let mainController: UIViewController // <- is the init ViewController passed as argument who will execute the .present() function later
var bottomController: UINavigationController
var someCustomController: SomeCustomControllerWithLogic
public init(controller: UIViewController, randomStr: String) {
self.mainController = controller
self.randomStr = randomStr
self.bottomController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: someCustomController)
public func run() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.bottomController.modalPresentationStyle = .custom
self.bottomController.transitioningDelegate = self
self.mainController.present(self.bottomController, animated: true) // <-- here has to present, and transitionDelegate not work with the extension declared
extension myPodController: DrawerPresentationControllerDelegate {
public func drawerMovedTo(position: DraweSnapPoint) {
extension myPodController: UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate {
func presentationController(forPresented presented: UIViewController, presenting: UIViewController?, source: UIViewController) -> UIPresentationController? {
return DrawerPresentationController(presentedViewController: presented, presenting: presenting, blurEffectStyle: .dark)
using UIDrawer files who make the render, theres no way that the delegate of extension UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate works
In the original example of UIDrawer works, I think because they declare the extension for the class who has can render the modal directly with:
self.present(viewController, animated: true) In my case, I have to present with self.mainController:
self.mainController.present(viewController, animated: true) and I think that's why the extension of DrawerPresentationControllerDelegate not work with the custom lib UIDrawer
So, my question is: How can extends the DrawerPresentationControllerDelegate for a custom controller that is located as variable into a class, in this case, how to make the self.mainController accepts the delegate of DrawerPresentationControllerDelegate?