Thanks for these additional code examples. The cause of this issue is that in our data processing pipeline, if we see a user identifier that resembles a guid, and doesn't...
Good to hear that the workaround avoids the issue 👍 We don't consider this a 'wont-fix' at this stage, as I and some others here would prefer that the pipeline...
Hey, thanks for posting this. Regardless of how we'd go about implementing this, we're currently thinking to stick with the current behaviour as the default with some kind of option...
Thanks for these few extra details. I've passed this on to the teams internally here. We currently don't have capacity to implement a solution here, but aiming to at least...
In our discussion, it was pointed out that it's recommended to use the [raygun4xamarin](https://github.com/MindscapeHQ/raygun4xamarin) provider (if you aren't already) instead of this raygun4net provider. To be clear, using raygun4xamarin does...
We'd love to add RUM support to our Raygun4Maui provider and this has previously been discussed internally. Right now we don't have capacity to build this but I have flagged...
Thanks for pointing this out, a PR would be much appreciated.
I also had a need for such an Ollama Aspire component for a recent project. I ended up implementing and releasing it as a [standalone package](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Raygun.Aspire.Hosting.Ollama) unrelated to my project...
@timheuer Nope, I have not started anything around adding this to the aspire repo, so feel free to proceed with what you've already started. Let me know if you have...