YaoBlocks.jl copied to clipboard
Batched block
We have already got batched register for solving the sampling problem.
Also, I find pretty useful to have batched blocks, especially in simulating kernel
quantum algorithms in
Schuld, Maria, and Nathan Killoran. "Quantum machine learning in feature Hilbert spaces." Physical review letters 122.4 (2019): 040504.
A possible prototype
using Yao
struct Batched{N, T, BT<:AbstractBlock{N, T}} <: CompositeBlock{N, T}
Base.broadcastable(bb::Batched) = bb.blocks
function Yao.apply!(reg::AbstractRegister{B}, bb::Batched) where B
B == length(bb.blocks) || error()
Yao.apply!.(reg, bb)
zero_state(4, nbatch=10) |> bb |> state
The problem is how do we dispatch a Batched
block? Or just disallow dispatch!
a scalar for such a block?
I think this is similar to what I proposed "Array" block before.
Let's add it after summer school and add some beautiful examples!
- I don't think we should let it be
, having two similar thingsapply!
is dangerous, especially when a simple for loop will do the job. - I was think about share type annotation, so the a batch of same block with parameters are contiguous on memory which improves cache efficiency and simplifies the update process of variational circuits, and it will fallback to the only static type
which will not hoist the type annotation.
Just do it in a simple way. But please notice, apply!. gives you the reasonable result if and only if Batched is broadcatable.
Anyway, let’s not discuss good or bad before implementing one.