Multigraphs.jl copied to clipboard
A multigraph extension of Graphs.jl
Multigraphs extension for Graphs.jl
Multigraphs is a
Julia Language
package. To install Multigraphs,
please open
Julia's interactive session (known as REPL) and press ] key in the REPL to use the package mode, then type the following command
pkg> add Multigraphs
julia> using Graphs, Multigraphs
# create a undirected multigraph with 3 vertices and 0 multiple edges
# use DiMultigraph for directed multigraphs
julia> mg = Multigraph(3)
{3, 0} undirected Int64 multigraph with Int64 multiplicities
# add a multiple edge from 1 to 2 with multiplicity 2
julia> add_edge!(mg, 1, 2, 2)
# add a simple edge (multiple edge with multiplicity 1) from 2 to 3
julia> add_edge!(mg, 2, 3)
# this will increase multiplicity of the edge from 2 to 3 by 2
julia> add_edge!(mg, 2, 3, 2)
# this will decrease multiplicity of the edge from 2 to 3 by 1
julia> rem_edge!(mg, 2, 3, 2)
# here me is a MultipleEdge
julia> mes = [me for me in edges(mg)]
2-element Array{MultipleEdge{Int64,Int64},1}:
Multiple edge 1 => 2 with multiplicity 2
Multiple edge 2 => 3 with multiplicity 1
# here e is a Graphs.SimpleEdge
julia> for e in mes[1]
Edge 1 => 2
Edge 1 => 2
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