QuantEcon.notebooks copied to clipboard
Jupyter notebooks contributed by QuantEcon developers, users and the community
QuantEcon Notebooks
This repository collects notebooks related to QuantEcon <http://quantecon.org>
__ projects.
A curated list of notebooks that draws on the notebooks collected
in this repository is now available here <http://quantecon.org/notebooks.html>
You can run these notebooks live using the mybinder service
.. image:: http://mybinder.org/badge.svg :target: http://mybinder.org/repo/QuantEcon/QuantEcon.notebooks
Please add your notebooks by push or PR. When doing so, please add your notebook to the top level of this repo (no need to put it in a subdirectory) and give it a unique and reasonably descriptive name.
Any notebooks that require dependencies to run should locate these in the dependencies
There is a simple fetch utility <http://quanteconpy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/util/notebooks.html>
__ built into the python quantecon