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List of commands implemented by redis-rs that are yet to be implemented
- [x] get
- [x] mget
- [ ] keys
- [x] set
- [x] set_multiple
- [x] set_ex
- [x] pset_ex
- [x] set_nx
- [x] mset_nx
- [x] getset
- [ ] getrange
- [ ] setrange
- [x] del
- [x] exists
- [x] expire
- [ ] expire_at
- [x] pexpire
- [ ] pexpire_at
- [ ] persist
- [ ] ttl
- [ ] pttl
- [ ] rename
- [ ] rename_nx
- [ ] unlink
- [ ] append
- [x] incr
- [ ] decr
- [ ] setbit
- [ ] getbit
- [ ] bitcount
- [ ] bitcount_range
- [ ] bit_and
- [ ] bit_or
- [ ] bit_xor
- [ ] bit_not
- [ ] strlen
- [x] hget
- [ ] hdel
- [x] hset
- [ ] hset_nx
- [x] hset_multiple
- [ ] hincr
- [ ] hexists
- [ ] hkeys
- [ ] hvals
- [ ] hgetall
- [ ] hlen
- [ ] blpop
- [ ] brpop
- [ ] brpoplpush
- [ ] lindex
- [ ] linsert_before
- [ ] linsert_after
- [ ] llen
- [ ] lpop
- [ ] lpos
- [ ] lpush
- [ ] lpush_exists
- [ ] lrange
- [ ] lrem
- [ ] ltrim
- [ ] lset
- [ ] rpop
- [ ] rpoplpush
- [ ] rpush
- [ ] rpush_exists
- [ ] sadd
- [ ] scard
- [ ] sdiff
- [ ] sdiffstore
- [ ] sinter
- [ ] sinterstore
- [ ] sismember
- [ ] smembers
- [ ] smove
- [ ] spop
- [ ] srandmember
- [ ] srandmember_multiple
- [ ] srem
- [ ] sunion
- [ ] sunionstore
- [ ] zadd
- [ ] zadd_multiple
- [ ] zcard
- [ ] zcount
- [ ] zincr
- [ ] zinterstore
- [ ] zinterstore_min
- [ ] zinterstore_max
- [ ] zlexcount
- [ ] zpopmax
- [ ] zpopmin
- [ ] zrange
- [ ] zrange_withscores
- [ ] zrangebylex
- [ ] zrangebylex_limit
- [ ] zrevrangebylex
- [ ] zrevrangebylex_limit
- [ ] zrangebyscore
- [ ] zrangebyscore_withscores
- [ ] zrangebyscore_limit
- [ ] zrangebyscore_limit_withscores
- [ ] zrank
- [ ] zrem
- [ ] zrembylex
- [ ] zremrangebyrank
- [ ] zrembyscore
- [ ] zrevrange
- [ ] zrevrange_withscores
- [ ] zrevrangebyscore
- [ ] zrevrangebyscore_withscores
- [ ] zrevrangebyscore_limit
- [ ] zrevrangebyscore_limit_withscores
- [ ] zrevrank
- [ ] zscore
- [ ] zunionstore
- [ ] zunionstore_min
- [ ] zunionstore_max
- [ ] pfadd
- [ ] pfcount
- [ ] pfmerge
- [ ] publish
- [ ] acl_load
- [ ] acl_save
- [ ] acl_list
- [ ] acl_users
- [ ] acl_getuser
- [ ] acl_setuser
- [ ] acl_setuser_rules
- [ ] acl_deluser
- [ ] acl_cat
- [ ] acl_cat_categoryname
- [ ] acl_genpass
- [ ] acl_genpass_bits
- [ ] acl_whoami
- [ ] acl_log
- [ ] acl_log_reset
- [ ] acl_help
- [ ] geo_add
- [ ] geo_dist
- [ ] geo_hash
- [ ] geo_pos
- [ ] geo_radius
- [ ] geo_radius_by_member
- [ ] xack
- [ ] xadd
- [ ] xadd_map
- [ ] xadd_maxlen
- [ ] xadd_maxlen_map
- [ ] xclaim
- [ ] xclaim_options
- [ ] xdel
- [ ] xgroup_create
- [ ] xgroup_create_mkstream
- [ ] xgroup_setid
- [ ] xgroup_destroy
- [ ] xgroup_delconsumer
- [ ] xinfo_consumers
- [ ] xinfo_groups
- [ ] xinfo_stream
- [ ] xlen
- [ ] xpending
- [ ] xpending_count
- [ ] xpending_consumer_count
- [ ] xrange
- [ ] xrange_all
- [ ] xrange_count
- [ ] xread
- [ ] xread_options
- [ ] xrevrange
- [ ] xrevrange_all
- [ ] xrevrange_count
- [ ] xtrim
- [ ] subscribe
- [ ] psubscribe
We may close this issue as we have this one > open?