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I can't open the (Backend)
Hello Qlo;
I am used Xampp and i installed all process successfully, Once i tried login throw the Hotel Management Website it will appearing as the following:
FrontEnd : Opened Successfully >> http://localhost/htl BackEnd : I can't open it it's direct to THIS PAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE i tried multiple time with the following links: 1- http://localhost/htl/admin 2- http://localhost/htl/adminhtl 3- http://localhost/htl/adminhtl/index.php
the fisrt one redirect the URL to >>> http://localhost/htl/admin858fvlxq3/index.php?controller=AdminLogin&token=56e2409e9d38a0a9655d077a78e7f947 and opened This page isn’t working localhost is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500
So, Can you please Advice;
Best of Regards;
In the folder structure of qloapps search folder which name starts with 'admin'. Now you have to visit http://localhost/htl/adminFolderName to visit the backoffice of the Qloapps. Here admin folder name if the name of the folder which starts with admin in Qloapps folder structure. Please try with this solution once.
@sumitwebkul Do we have to rename any folder? I am facing the same issue.
First rename install/ folder from hotelcommerce/ directory. You can put any name in place of install for the install/ folder name like install_1 or anything (but should not be install). Then In the folder structure of hotelcommerce, search folder which name starts with 'admin'. Now you have to visit url http://localhost/htl/adminFolderName from your browser to visit the backoffice of the Qloapps. Here admin folder name if the name of the folder which starts with admin in hotelcommerce folder structure. Ex. admin620ejp6wd So First You have to access your admin folder as i have explained Please try with this solution once.
I renamed the install folder ad then tried to access the admin folder like you explained which in my case is http://localhost:8080/hotelcom/admin756onz9gn
It redirects to
and i still see the blank page.
Any further suggestions?
@umarbashirdar can you tell me your php version on your server ?
@sumitwebkul It is php 5.4.24
I have the same problem. Is there a solution?
Hello, As we are checking at our end there is no such issue found. I request you to please visit config/defines.inc.php file and at line 29 replace line define('PS_MODE_DEV', false); with below code define('PS_MODE_DEV', true); then refresh the page and let me know the issue you are seeing in the page with screenshot.
@thiagobass they said the same thing to me. I even send them all the details including my server details to look in to the issue but it was all in vain. They don't know how to fix it. Perhaps it only works on their local environment.
@umarbashirdar Sorry for your inconvenience. You are working on localhost of your system. So we can't access and fix it for you. Many users are using Qloapps after successful installation. Some people face the installation issue because of their environment setup for Qloapps https://qloapps.com/install-qloapps/ . We only can suggest you solutions if you are working on your system's localhost. But for the exact issue on your server, We have to access your Qloapps on your server. So you can provide us your FTP details and admin login credentials on https://webkul.uvdesk.com/ and we can check the issue.
@sumitwebkul I had already sent you my FTP credentials but there has been no response from you till now. It even did not work on my localhost and then you asked me to provide the FTP credentials which i did and still no response on the same from your team.
I changed the line define ('PS_MODE_DEV', false); to define ('PS_MODE_DEV', true); and tried to access the http: // localhost / hotelcommerce / admin115gduggm directory but a new error is displayed Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ hotelcommerce \ classes \ module \ Module.php on line 1506 What can be done in this case?
Could you help me remotely through team viewer?
@umarbashirdar We have checked your ticket on our ticket system and you have a created a ticket for the issue. You have provided the FTP details with us. But we were unable to connect with your FTP with your provided details. So we had asked you the correct details to access your FTP. But after that you did not send us your correct details. So how can we proceed to look into your issues. So we request you to please provide us the correct details there. Only then we can check the the issue on your server.
@thiagobass We request you to please increase the max_execution_time to 500 on your server https://prnt.sc/kx1cv3 . Also set all the environment according to https://qloapps.com/install-qloapps/ once. Please once proceed with this solution.
@sumitwebkul I was not notified of the fact that you were unable to connect with my FTP. Can you tell me where to send them so that you can look at the issue as soon as you could ?
Everything worked out right here! Only slow loading is normal? Thank you in advance!
@thiagobass First time to load the admin it takes some time because some processes run at this time. So it is ok.
Just one more doubt. How do I edit the site frontend?
@umarbashirdar The email Id by which you have created the ticket at https://webkul.uvdesk.com . On that email you must be notified regarding this. So please check the inbox of that emails and reply in the same ticket.
@thiagobass please visit https://qloapps.com/qlo-reservation-system/ to know the workflow and all functionalities of Qloapps.
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