qiskit-tutorials copied to clipboard
6_examples_max_cut_and_tsp Typesetting Bug
Did you find a doc bug or broken link that needs to be fixed?
What is the file name(s) where you found the bug? https://qiskit.org/documentation/tutorials/optimization/6_examples_max_cut_and_tsp.html
What is the current text that needs to be fixed or removed? (You can copy and paste) "The algorithm works as follows: Choose the wi and wij in the target Ising problem. In principle, even higher powers of Z are allowed. Choose the depth of the quantum circuit m. Note that the depth can be modified adaptively. Choose a set of controls θ and make a trial function |ψ(θ)⟩, built using a quantum circuit made of C-Phase gates and single-qubit Y rotations, parameterized by the components of θ. Evaluate C(θ)=⟨ψ(θ) |H| ψ(θ)⟩=∑iwi⟨ψ(θ) |Zi| ψ(θ)⟩+∑i<jwij⟨ψ(θ) |ZiZj| ψ(θ)⟩bysamplingtheoutcomeofthecircuitintheZ−basisandaddingtheexpectationvaluesoftheindividualIsingtermstogether.Ingeneral,differentcontrolpointsaround:math:‘θ‘havetobeestimated,dependingontheclassicaloptimizerchosen. " The text is in math environment, likely reason: additional "$"?
Hey @leonox I think this bug is fix now. @nonhermitian You can close this issue
Sounds like this was fixed. Either way, the tutorial no longer lives in this repository.