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Implementation of Stacks as Arrays
// This abstract class StackADT specifies the basic operations on a stack.
// This class defines these operations as an ADT (Abstract Data Type).
#ifndef STACKADT_H
#define STACKADT_H
template <class Type>
class StackADT
virtual void initializeStack() = 0;
//Method to initialize the stack to an empty state.
//Postcondition: Stack is empty.
virtual bool isEmptyStack() const = 0;
//Function to determine whether the stack is empty.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the stack is empty,
// otherwise returns false.
virtual bool isFullStack() const = 0;
//Function to determine whether the stack is full.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the stack is full,
// otherwise returns false.
virtual void push(const Type& newItem) = 0;
//Function to add newItem to the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not full.
//Postcondition: The stack is changed and newItem
// is added to the top of the stack.
virtual Type top() const = 0;
//Function to return the top element of the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not empty.
//Postcondition: If the stack is empty, the program
// terminates; otherwise, the top element
// of the stack is returned.
virtual void pop() = 0;
//Function to remove the top element of the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not empty.
//Postcondition: The stack is changed and the top
// element is removed from the stack.
#endif //STACKADT_H
// This class specifies the basic operation on a stack as an array.
// Because all the elements of a stack are of the same type, a stack can be
// implemented as either an array (with fixed size) or a linked structure.
// Use an array to implement a stack:
// The first element of the array is the top of the stack.
// The top of the stack is the index of the last element pushed onto the stack.
// A stack element is accessed only through the top of the stack.
#include "StackADT.h"
template <class Type>
class ArrayBasedStack : public StackADT<Type>
int maxStackSize; //variable to store the maximum stack size
int stackTop; //variable to point (index) to the top of the stack
// The value of stackTop indicates the number of elements in the
// stack, and the value of stackTop - 1 points to the top item
// in the stack.
// Note that stackTop can range from 0 to maxStackSize. If stackTop
// is nonzero, then stackTop - 1 is the index of the top element of
// the stack.
Type *list; //pointer to the array that holds the stack elements
void copyStack(const ArrayBasedStack<Type>& otherStack);
//Function to make a copy of otherStack.
//Postcondition: A copy of otherStack is created and assigned to this stack.
ArrayBasedStack(int stackSize = 100);
//Create an array of the size stackSize to hold
//the stack elements. The default stack size is 100.
//Postcondition: The variable list contains the base
// address of the array, stackTop = 0, and
// maxStackSize = stackSize
//Remove all the elements from the stack.
//Postcondition: The array (list) holding the stack
// elements is deleted.
ArrayBasedStack(const ArrayBasedStack<Type>& otherStack);
//Copy constructor
const ArrayBasedStack<Type>& operator=(const ArrayBasedStack<Type>&);
//Overload the assignment operator.
void initializeStack();
//Function to initialize the stack to an empty state.
//Postcondition: stackTop = 0
bool isEmptyStack() const;
//Function to determine whether the stack is empty.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the stack is empty,
// otherwise returns false.
bool isFullStack() const;
//Function to determine whether the stack is full.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the stack is full,
// otherwise returns false.
void push(const Type& newItem);
//Function to add newItem to the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not full.
//Postcondition: The stack is changed and newItem
// is added to the top of the stack.
Type top() const;
//Function to return the top element of the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not empty.
//Postcondition: If the stack is empty, the program
// terminates; otherwise, the top element
// of the stack is returned.
void pop();
//Function to remove the top element of the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not empty.
//Postcondition: The stack is changed and the top
// element is removed from the stack.
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include "ArrayBasedStack.h"
using namespace std;
template <class Type>
ArrayBasedStack<Type>::ArrayBasedStack(int stackSize)
if (stackSize <= 0)
cout << "Size of the array to hold the stack must "
<< "be positive." << endl;
cout << "Creating an array of size 100." << endl;
maxStackSize = 100;
maxStackSize = stackSize; //set the stack size to
//the value specified by
//the parameter stackSize
stackTop = 0; //set stackTop to 0
list = new Type[maxStackSize]; //create the array to
//hold the stack elements
}//end constructor
template <class Type>
delete [] list; //deallocate the memory occupied
//by the array
}//end destructor
template <class Type>
ArrayBasedStack<Type>::ArrayBasedStack(const ArrayBasedStack<Type>& otherStack)
list = NULL;
}//end copy constructor
template <class Type>
const ArrayBasedStack<Type>& ArrayBasedStack<Type>::operator=
(const ArrayBasedStack<Type>& otherStack)
if (this != &otherStack) //avoid self-copy
return *this;
}//end operator=
template <class Type>
void ArrayBasedStack<Type>::initializeStack()
stackTop = 0; //set stackTop to 0
}//end initializeStack
template <class Type>
bool ArrayBasedStack<Type>::isEmptyStack() const
return (stackTop == 0);
}//end isEmptyStack
template <class Type>
bool ArrayBasedStack<Type>::isFullStack() const
return (stackTop == maxStackSize);
} //end isFullStack
template <class Type>
void ArrayBasedStack<Type>::push(const Type& newItem)
if (!isFullStack())
list[stackTop] = newItem; //add newItem at the top
stackTop++; //increment stackTop
cout << "Cannot add to a full stack." << endl;
}//end push
template <class Type>
Type ArrayBasedStack<Type>::top() const
assert(stackTop != 0); //if stack is empty,
//terminate the program
return list[stackTop - 1]; //return the element of the
//stack indicated by
//stackTop - 1
}//end top
template <class Type>
void ArrayBasedStack<Type>::pop()
if (!isEmptyStack())
stackTop--; //decrement stackTop
cout << "Cannot remove from an empty stack." << endl;
}//end pop
template <class Type>
void ArrayBasedStack<Type>::copyStack
(const ArrayBasedStack<Type>& otherStack)
delete [] list;
maxStackSize = otherStack.maxStackSize;
stackTop = otherStack.stackTop;
list = new Type[maxStackSize];
//copy otherStack into this stack
for (int j = 0; j < stackTop; j++)
list[j] = otherStack.list[j];
}//end copyStack
// This program tests various operations of a stack.
#include <iostream>
#include "ArrayBasedStack.cpp"
using namespace std;
// Function prototypes
void testCopyConstructor(ArrayBasedStack<int> otherStack);
int main()
ArrayBasedStack<int> stack(50);
ArrayBasedStack<int> copyStack(50);
ArrayBasedStack<int> dummyStack(100);
copyStack = stack; //copy stack into copyStack
cout << "The elements of copyStack: ";
while (!copyStack.isEmptyStack())
cout << << " ";
cout << endl;
copyStack = stack;
testCopyConstructor(stack); //test copy constructor
if (!stack.isEmptyStack())
cout << "The original stack is not empty." << endl
<< "The top element of the original stack: "
<< << endl;
dummyStack = stack; //copy stack into dummyStack
cout << "The elements of dummyStack: ";
while (!dummyStack.isEmptyStack())
cout << << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
void testCopyConstructor(ArrayBasedStack<int> otherStack)
if (!otherStack.isEmptyStack())
cout << "otherStack is not empty." << endl;
cout << "The top element of otherStack: "
<< << endl;
/* Output:
The elements of copyStack: 38 45 23
otherStack is not empty.
The top element of otherStack: 38
The original stack is not empty.
The top element of the original stack: 38
The elements of dummyStack: 38 45 23