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Python operators precedence rules
Precedence Rules
The order in which operators are evaluated in an expression is known as precedence rules.
Precedence rules for arithmetic, relational and logical operators:
Operator/Convention | Description | Explanation |
( ) | Items within parentheses are evaluated first | In (a * (b + c)) - d , the + is evaluated first, then * , then - . |
* / % + - | Arithmetic operators (using their precedence rules) | z - 45 * y < 53 evaluates * first, then - , then < . |
< <= > >= == != | Relational, (in)equality, and membership operators | x < 2 or x >= 10 is evaluated as (x < 2) or (x >= 10) because < and >= have precedence over or . |
not | not (logical NOT) | not x or y is evaluated as (not x) or y |
and | Logical AND | x == 5 or y == 10 and z != 10 is evaluated as (x == 5) or ((y == 10) and (z != 10)) because and has precedence over or . |
or | Logical OR | x == 7 or x < 2 is evaluated as (x == 7) or (x < 2) because < and == have precedence over or |
Best Practices
A common error is to write an expression that is evaluated in a different order than expected. Good practice is to use parentheses in expressions to make the intended order of evaluation explicit.
For example, a programmer might write:
not x + y < 5
intending (not x) + y < 5
, but the interpreter computes not ((x + y) < 5)
because the addition operator +
has the highest precedence and is computed first,
followed by the relational operation <
and finally the logical not