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Reactive state container (based on immutable) for React or ReactNative, inspired by mapreduce.

New Idea, New the World. 🔥🔥🔥

技术也是时尚驱动的,我们常常臣服于时尚,面对快速的变化常常让我们局促不安, 开始焦虑,唯恐错过了些什么。怎么打破这种焦虑?需要在快速变化得世界里保持清醒, 保持独立的思考和认知。 让我们回归到技术的本质, 因为解决了真实的问题,技术才变得有价值。 真正牛*的技术,都是静悄悄的跑在线上...

iflux2 🚀🚀🚀


Reactive and Predictable state container for React or ReactNative.

  • Thanks Immutable.js
  • Thanks MapReduce
  • Thanks Functional Reactive Programming.


很早很早之前,我们爱上了React and immutable,所以就有了很简单的iflux。

iflux = immutable.js + react.js



|       WebApi          |
|   Store(immutable)   |<-----+
+-----------------------+      |
           | //es5 style       |
           | StoreMixin        | msg(EventEmitter)
          \|/                  |
+------------------------+     |
|     React App          |-----|
|      <Layout>          |
|        <SearchForm/>   |
|        <Toolbar/>      |
|        <DataGrid/>     |
|       </Layout>        |


  • 简单直接,几乎没有什么规则
  • 单根数据源(single data source)
  • Immutable fronted UI
  • High Performance


  • Big Store, Store中大量的数据和业务的处理,代码膨胀的厉害
  • Store是单例,不销毁,有共享的问题
  • store的数据通过props不断的透传,代码写的很费劲
  • 大量的数据之间的依赖关系,需要手动的保证和处理


  • 使用MapReduce的理念解决big Store
  • 使用@Relax自动注入store中的数据和事件
  • Store不再是单例
  • 使用FRP的理念, 简单的实现反应式数据,抽象源数据和派生数据


|     BFF-API      |
|     WebApi       |
|     Store        | ====> [Actor1, Actor2, Actor3]
|  @StoreProvider  |
|     @Relax       |
|     QL/DQL       |


→ tree -L 2                                                                                              [c6c2861]
├── actor
│   └── counter-actor.js
├── component
│   └── counter.js
├── index.html
├── index.js
├── package.json
├── ql.js
├── store.js
├── webapi.js
└── webpack.config.js

2 directories, 9 files
import { Actor, Action } from 'iflux2'

export default class CounterActor extends Actor {
  defaultState() {
    return {
      count: 0

  increment(state) {
    return state.update('count', count => count + 1)

  decrement(state) {
    return state.update('count', count => count - 1)

import { Store } from 'iflux2'
import CounterActor from './actor/counter-actor'

export default class AppStore extends Store {
  bindActor() {
    return [
      new CounterActor

  constructor(props) {
    if (__DEV__) {
      //you can use _store directly in browser's console
      window._store = this

  increment = () => {

  decrement = () => {
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { StoreProvider } from 'iflux2'
import AppStore from './store'
import Counter from './component/counter'

// debug: true 更多的console信息
@StoreProvider(AppStore, {debug: true})
export default class CounterApp extends Component {
  render() {
    return (

render(<CounterApp/>, document.getElementById('app'))
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Relax } from 'iflux2'
import { countQL } from '../ql'
const noop = () => {}

export default class Counter extends Component {
  static defaultProps = {
    count: 0, //Inject by store's count
    countQL,  //calculate by store's bigQuery
    increment: noop, //Inject by store's increment
    decrement: noop //Inject by store's decrement

  render() {
    const { count, countQL, increment, decrement } = this.props

    return (
        <a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick={increment}>increment</a>
        <span>{ count }</span>
        <span>{ countQL }</span>
        <a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick={decrement}>decrement</a>
import { QL } from 'iflux2'

export const countQL = QL('countQL', [
  (count) => `QL:${count}`

how to use?

npm install iflux2 --save


//web .babelrc
  "presets": ["es2015", "react", "stage-3"],
  "plugins": [
    "transform-decorators-legacy", //required, 必须在class-properties之前!
  "env": {
    "production": {
      "plugins": [


//react-native .babelrc
  "presets": ["react-native"],
➜  Hello tree -L 1
├── __tests__
├── android
├── index.android.js
├── index.ios.js
├── ios
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── react-dom //拷贝这个react-native mock的react-dom
├── tsconfig.json
├── typings
└── yarn.lock

6 directories, 5 files
"scripts": {
  "postinstall": "npm install ./react-dom"

react-native demo可以参考 https://github.com/QianmiOpen/iflux2/tree/master/examples/iflux2Native

more examples

  • https://github.com/hufeng/iflux2-blog
  • https://github.com/hufeng/iflux2-todo
  • https://github.com/hufeng/iflux2-counter
  • https://github.com/brothers-js/iflux2-validator-demo