RPi-image copied to clipboard
"ERROR: the system appears to be configured for the legacy camera stack"
I wonder why tools like libcamera-hello
do not work with the RPi-image. The libcamera-tools missing first, but I installed them with:
$ sudo apt install libcamera-apps
$ libcamera-hello
ERROR: the system appears to be configured for the legacy camera stack
In raspi-config
, the camera is enabled. I also gave the GPU 256 MB memory in raspi-config
$ v4l2-ctl --list-devices
bcm2835-codec-decode (platform:bcm2835-codec):
bcm2835-isp (platform:bcm2835-isp):
mmal service 16.1 (platform:bcm2835-v4l2-0):
It tried using the RasPi Camera module v2 and the RasPi HQ Camera module. But this does not change anything.
Has anyone here observed the same issue and/or an idea how to solve it?
The libcamera-hello
and other libcamera tools are all working under the new Debian 11 operating system Bullseye.
This RPi-image is the 'old' Debian 10 Buster. We are planning to release a new RPi-image with Bullseye soon.
Thank you for the quick response. I did not check this before:
$ cat /etc/debian_version
As you mentioned here, no 64-bit versions of the tools raspistill
, raspivid
, ... for the legacy camera software stack exist, but I was able to get the libcamera stack tools running in your RPi-image with Buster.
The error message of libcamera-hello
helped me to find a solution here.
$ libcamera-hello --verbose
[0:00:26.317162465] [1015] INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:293 libcamera v0.0.0+3384-44d59841
[0:00:26.354590576] [1016] WARN RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1202 Mismatch between Unicam and CamHelper for embedded data usage!
[0:00:26.355638872] [1016] ERROR RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1230 Unicam driver does not use the MediaController, please update your kernel!
[0:00:26.356345279] [1016] ERROR RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1129 Failed to register camera imx219 10-0010: -22
Closing Libcamera application(frames displayed 0, dropped 0)
Camera stopped!
Tearing down requests, buffers and configuration
Camera closed
ERROR: *** no cameras available ***
After I did a rpi-update
$ sudo rpi-update
*** Raspberry Pi firmware updater by Hexxeh, enhanced by AndrewS and Dom
*** Performing self-update
*** Relaunching after update
*** Raspberry Pi firmware updater by Hexxeh, enhanced by AndrewS and Dom
*** We're running for the first time
*** Backing up files (this will take a few minutes)
*** Remove old firmware backup
*** Backing up firmware
*** Remove old modules backup
*** Backing up modules 5.10.63-v8+
*** Updating firmware
*** Updating kernel modules
*** depmod 5.10.92+
*** depmod 5.10.92-v7+
*** depmod 5.10.92-v8+
*** depmod 5.10.92-v7l+
*** Updating VideoCore libraries
*** A reboot is needed to activate the new firmware
The libcamera-tools work well. e.g.
$ libcamera-still -t 0
sudo rpi-update really works.
Step 1: Open Terminal Step 2: sudo -i Step 3: nano /boot/config.text Step 4: Add this in # Automatically load overlays for detected cameras OR [all] section "dtoverlay=imx219" Step 5: Reboot Step 6: execute this command in terminal libcamera-hello