QUIt Coding
QUIt Coding
I tested this alternative tessellation patch by cherry-picking it on top of (https://github.com/QUItCoding/nanovg) fork and using that in QNanoPainter (https://github.com/QUItCoding/qnanopainter). Based on my usage & testing, AFD was slower on...
QNanoPainter QNanoImage doesn't contain API to load image from data, just from image file or FBO. But NanoVG contains e.g. nvgCreateImageMem and nvgCreateImageRGBA so adding this into QNanoPainter would be...
Yes, this is by-design for the gallery app. Gallery UI is optimized for mobile phones portrait mode and for running on PC screens at default window size. I wouldn't mind...
I don't understand the question... To draw multiple lines 1) start a path with beginPath() 2) then add n lines with lineTo() 3) and paint the path with stroke(). Here...
OK so you are talking about multitouch. That's up to Qt, QNanoPainter just handles the drawing. You could use for example MultiPointTouchArea (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-multipointtoucharea.html) on QML side to get touch points...
I don't think you would get notable performance improvement with the above code. Generating images is probably the slow part and not blitting them with QNanoPainter. To get the benefits,...
No plans for this, support should be implemented into NanoVG side. Related ticket for this is https://github.com/memononen/nanovg/issues/91 Simple cases like above can be implemented with 2 gradient fillRects.
My first guess is that Qt qrc bundling of fonts doesn’t work with static library. Maybe it works if you add ”Q_INIT_RESOURCE(libqnanopainterdata);” into beginning of your main?
There is an easy way to test QNanoQuickItem create/release in examples/gallery/qnanopainter_features by uncommenting lines 42-61 in main.qml. This makes gallery to automatically scroll between views and causes item constructor &...
As you said, your change would create own QNanoPainter for every QNanoQuickItemPainter which increases item construction time and total memory usage. Implementation currently uses Q_GLOBAL_STATIC to share QNanoPainter instance for...