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simulate_experiment with domain error when n_outcomes is not constant
I was following the examples file:introduction_to_bayes_smc, I find the following issue when I was trying to call the simulate_experiment methods
class FiniteOutcomeModel(Model):
def domain(self, expparams):
if self.is_n_outcomes_constant:
return self._domain if expparams is None else [self._domain for ep in expparams]
return [IntegerDomain(min=0,max=n_o-1) for n_o in self.n_outcomes(expparams)]
def simulate_experiment(self, modelparams, expparams, repeat=1):
super(FiniteOutcomeModel, self).simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams, repeat)
if self.is_n_outcomes_constant:
all_outcomes = self.domain(None).values
probabilities = self.likelihood(all_outcomes, modelparams, expparams)
cdf = np.cumsum(probabilities, axis=0)
randnum = np.random.random((repeat, 1, modelparams.shape[0], expparams.shape[0]))
outcome_idxs = all_outcomes[np.argmax(cdf > randnum, axis=1)]
outcomes = all_outcomes[outcome_idxs]
dtype = self.domain(expparams[0, np.newaxis])[0].dtype
outcomes = np.empty((repeat, modelparams.shape[0], expparams.shape[0]), dtype=dtype)
for idx_experiment, single_expparams in enumerate(expparams[:, np.newaxis]):
all_outcomes = self.domain(single_expparams).values
probabilities = self.likelihood(all_outcomes, modelparams, single_expparams)
cdf = np.cumsum(probabilities, axis=0)[..., 0]
randnum = np.random.random((repeat, 1, modelparams.shape[0]))
outcomes[:, :, idx_experiment] = all_outcomes[np.argmax(cdf > randnum, axis=1)]
return outcomes[0, 0, 0] if repeat == 1 and expparams.shape[0] == 1 and modelparams.shape[0] == 1 else outcomes
def simulate_experiment(self, modelparams, expparams, repeat=1):
# Call the superclass simulate_experiment, not recording the result.
# This is used to count simulation calls.
super(FiniteOutcomeModel, self).simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams, repeat)
if self.is_n_outcomes_constant:
# In this case, all expparams have the same domain
all_outcomes = self.domain(None).values
probabilities = self.likelihood(all_outcomes, modelparams, expparams)
cdf = np.cumsum(probabilities, axis=0)
randnum = np.random.random((repeat, 1, modelparams.shape[0], expparams.shape[0]))
outcome_idxs = all_outcomes[np.argmax(cdf > randnum, axis=1)]
outcomes = all_outcomes[outcome_idxs]
# Loop over each experiment, sadly.
# Assume all domains have the same dtype
dtype = self.domain(expparams[0, np.newaxis])[0].dtype
outcomes = np.empty((repeat, modelparams.shape[0], expparams.shape[0]), dtype=dtype)
for idx_experiment, single_expparams in enumerate(expparams[:, np.newaxis]):
all_outcomes = self.domain(single_expparams).values
probabilities = self.likelihood(all_outcomes, modelparams, single_expparams)
cdf = np.cumsum(probabilities, axis=0)[..., 0]
randnum = np.random.random((repeat, 1, modelparams.shape[0]))
outcomes[:, :, idx_experiment] = all_outcomes[np.argmax(cdf > randnum, axis=1)]
return outcomes[0, 0, 0] if repeat == 1 and expparams.shape[0] == 1 and modelparams.shape[0] == 1 else outcomes
change the code in abstract.FiniteOutcomeModel.simulate_experiment
all_outcomes= self.domain(single_expparams).values
all_outcomes= self.domain(single_expparams)[idx_experiment].values
will solve the problem in this case, but I'm not sure this is the general case