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National Instruments DAQ driver does not have a setpoint
I'm trying to use the NIDAQ driver provided in qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.NationalInstruments.DAQ with a USB-6001 NI DAQ. When I try to use the datasaver , like this:
with context_meas.run() as datasaver:
for set_v in pwm_0:
get_v = daq_ai.get('voltage')
datasaver.add_result((daq_ao_2.voltage_0, set_v),(daq_ai.voltage,get_v))
dataset = datasaver.dataset
I get the following error: "daq_ai_0_voltage is an <class 'qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.NationalInstruments.DAQ.DAQAnalogInputVoltages'> without setpoints. Cannot handle this."
How can I add a setpoint to the measurement?