qb64 copied to clipboard
Create qb64.desktop
This is the system wide installation desktop file, to be installed to /usr/share/applications/ and the icon should go to /usr/share/icons/
That's essentially what the setup script for Linux does, right?
echo "Adding QB64 menu entry..."
cat > ~/.local/share/applications/qb64.desktop <<EOF
[Desktop Entry]
Name=QB64 Programming IDE
GenericName=QB64 Programming IDE
Yes but with desktop standard conforming content, for system wide installation, I'd really like to get this packaged for debian, so if that file and a Makefile wouldn't disturb you?
It would go along with https://github.com/alexmyczko/qb64/blob/master/Makefile
Next step would be to have a source tarball with all the *.exe removed:
find . -name "*.exe" -exec rm {} \;
(source tree 1.2 gb -> 850 mb) (setup_lnx.sh still works)
find . -name "*.dll" -exec rm {} \;
(source tree 780 mb) (setup_lnx.sh still works)
completely remove all internal/c/mingw\*
(source tree 92 mb) (setup_lnx.sh still works)
remove the 13 mb proprietary font (or replace it with a free replacement font, for example /usr/share/fonts/pc/Px_IBM_VGA9.ttf
from fonts-pc
) (source tree 79 mb)
new generated source tarball: qb64_1.4+dfsg.orig.tar.xz (9 mb)
This is all about: https://github.com/QB64Team/qb64/issues/2
Please refer to the .ci/*-exclusion.list files for details of what the current CI tooling removes from each download.
I have created a separate issue to track the matter of the font: #81
Regarding packaging and makefiles more generally, it doesn't seem that the PR branch or any of the discussion in #2 addresses how QB64 will go about storing its temporary files and .o files produced while compiling user programs. This will need to be addressed at some point.
While it would be nice to have a Debian package, so far we just seem to be accumulating files (the man page, this .desktop entry, the Makefile referenced above) that aren't used in any way. It would be much preferable to be able to merge it all in at once, when the packaging is more complete.
I have a packaging here: http://sid.ethz.ch/debian/qb64/ it's missing the desktop file being in orig.tar.gz (which i can work around) but running qb64 misses ./internal/* it would be great if I could tell it can please look for them in /usr/lib/qb64 or /usr/share/qb64