@fmauNeko issue solved by #41 and merged you can close the issue
Solved (little cleanup of issues ^^) @fmauNeko
Solved (little cleanup of issues ^^) @fmauNeko
Solved (little cleanup of issues ^^) @fmauNeko
Hey 👋 Thanks for the report ! I'm struggling to reproduce the issue, 'Add to shopping list' is working perfectly fine on my side. I've got a few questions to...
> The issue seems to have been resolved after reinstalling the plugin! I'm curious as to why however. Does deleting the plugin also delete cached data, local persistence data, that...
Uhmm 🤔 if you have it happening consistently you can try these steps : - Open your game - Type `/xldev` - I forgot which menu but one of them...
🤔 uhmm just in case if you have the `dalamud.log` and the `output.log` of one the crash even if it doesn't show any stack trace I'd like to see it....
Nice suggestions, I'll look into it !👀