Wavelink copied to clipboard
A powerful Lavalink library for Discord.py.
I try to use wavelink.YouTubePlaylist to search for youtubeplaylist and I get error **code** `@commands.command(aliases=['P', 'PLAY', 'Play','p']) async def play(self,ctx: commands.Context, *, search:wavelink.YouTubePlaylist): print(search)` **error** `Ignoring exception in on_message Traceback...
fixed #156 After first track has been replaced with `Player.play(track)`, track_end event triggered after `Player.play` done. So, after first track replaced, `Player._source` is always None and `Player.is_playing()` always returns False.
It Would Be Helpful When Making A Music Bot
There is no migrating to v1.0.0 docs. Like wavelink.Player -> wavelink.newPlayer
Was broken in this commit: https://github.com/PythonistaGuild/Wavelink/commit/f126755662cdf17199b7814dbe4abcb5f038966b After first track has been replaced with `Player.play(track)`, track_end event triggered after `Player.play` done. So, after first track replaced, `Player._source` is always None and...
I currently play an MP3 on the lavalink server in a loop. The loop has been accomplished by following code. ``` @commands.Cog.listener(name="on_wavelink_track_end") async def _on_track_end(self, player: RadioPlayer, track: wavelink.Track, reason:...
Hello, i created a musicbot and now want to completly switch from textcommands to slashcommands. everything working now exopect the menus. the bot is adding the reactions but if they...
Hey, how can i make playing local audio files?
This will remove the need for a `try except` block around the search function with the `return_first=True` parameter
vc.disconnect() doesnt work. Here's my code, please help me: ``` @client.command() async def leave(ctx): if not ctx.voice_client: await ctx.send("Play something first maybe?") elif not getattr(ctx.author.voice, "channel", None): return await ctx.send('Connect...