gpt-pilot copied to clipboard
For reverse chatgpt api, got error "The message you submitted was too long"
API responded with status code: 413. Response text: {"detail":{"code":"message_length_exceeds_limit","message":"The message you submitted was too long, please reload the conversation and submit something shorter."}}
Any way to customize the length for request to GPT? Cause official GPT-4 is too expensive, I have to use reverse chatgpt api.
I read the source code, I think I can modify the code here, to cut the length to the limit. But not sure how/where to cut.
def construct_and_add_message_from_prompt(self, prompt_path, prompt_data): if prompt_path is not None and prompt_data is not None: prompt = get_prompt(prompt_path, prompt_data)'\n>>>>>>>>>> User Prompt >>>>>>>>>>\n%s\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>', prompt) self.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt})
I have to use reverse chatgpt api.
what the heck is reverse chatGPT api? it sounds awesome
Hi, Thank you for sharing about the reverse chatGPT API! It sounds really interesting. Best regards, Salma Ehab
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On ٠٤/١١/٢٠٢٣ ٠٣:١٦:٠٩ pryh4ck @.***> wrote:
I have to use reverse chatgpt api.
what the heck is reverse chatGPT api? it sounds awesome
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I have to use reverse chatgpt api.
what the heck is reverse chatGPT api? it sounds awesome
The one still working, as I know, Only ChatGPT account is needed, Plus user could use GPT-4 api
closing this after inacitivity