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Implement NonLinearCurrentSource
Environment (OS, Python version, PySpice version, simulator)
Expected Behaviour
Being able to define in our ngSpice netlists:
Gxxx n+ n- value={expr} Gxxx n1 n2 TABLE {expression}=(x0,y0) (x1,y1) (x2,y2) Gxxx n+ n- ( POLY (nd) ) nc1+ nc1- ( nc2+ nc2- ... ) p0 ( p1 ... )
This can be achieved by re-using the code implemented NonLinearVoltageSource (tested to work):
class NonLinearCurrentSource(DipoleElement):
"""This class implements a non-linear current sources.
.. warning:: Partially implemented
Spice syntax:
.. code-block:: none
Gxxx n+ n- value={expr}
Gxxx n1 n2 TABLE {expression}=(x0,y0) (x1,y1) (x2,y2)
Gxxx n+ n- ( POLY (nd) ) nc1+ nc1- ( nc2+ nc2- ... ) p0 ( p1 ... )
Keyword Parameters:
__alias__ = 'NonLinearCurrentSource'
__prefix__ = 'G'
#transconductance = ExpressionPositionalParameter(position=0, key_parameter=False)
def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
self.expression = kwargs.get('expression', None)
self.table = kwargs.get('table', None)
def __str__(self):
spice_element = self.format_node_names()
# Fixme: expression
if self.table is not None:
# TABLE {expression} = (x0, y0) (x1, y1) ...
table = ['({}, {})'.format(str_spice(x), str_spice(y)) for x, y in self.table]
spice_element += ' TABLE {%s} = %s' % (self.expression, join_list(table))
return spice_element
Actual Behaviour
Currently we can only implement a transconductance source.
Steps to reproduce the behaviour
can we implement a polynomial behavior? Actually, Pyspice doesn't recognise the nonlinear syntax
I have managed to use B sources perfectly fine (Chapter 5.1 of ngspice 31 manual) in my PySpice code. For example, if we have two nodes 'in' and 'out', we could do something like:
i_express = "%s*pwr(v(in)-v(out), 2) + %s*(v(in)-v(out))" % (a,b) # define current expression
self.B(1, 'in', 'out', i=i_express) # create B source element
which would implement:
if V > 0:
I = aV^2 + bV
I = -aV^2 + bV
I realise this doesn't address the problem with the Gxxxx: non-linear current source, but might be of some help