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How to use QAxWidget in PyQt5 to load chemdraw file .cdx?
I tried with the following code, but I failed. When I try to load a .cdx file, nothing happened but window close?
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5.QAxContainer import QAxWidget
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QPushButton, QFileDialog
class Window(QWidget):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Window, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
self.axWidget = QAxWidget("C:\Program Files (x86)\PerkinElmerInformatics\ChemOffice2016\ChemDraw\ChemDraw.exe", self)
self.axWidget.setProperty("geometry", QtCore.QRect(70, 60, 251, 201))
layout.addWidget(QPushButton('ChemDraw', self, clicked=self.onOpenChemDraw))
def onOpenChemDraw(self):
path, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
self, '请选择ChemDraw文件', '', 'ChemDraw(*.cdx)')
if not path:
# 不显示窗体
#self.axWidget.dynamicCall('SetVisible (bool Visible)', 'false')
#self.axWidget.setProperty('DisplayAlerts', False)
_translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate
#self.axWidget.setProperty("control", _translate("Form", "{b8350810-35b3-46f8-aa9b-fc649fff06df}:ChemDraw Professional ActiveX Control"))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
w = Window()
1、确认 ChemDraw 支持 com组件对象并注册到系统中(可以通过描述2中的方法寻找)
2、通过 oleview.exe 工具查找对应的com对象id,比如wordpad程序
3、用上面找到的 ProgId 或者 clsid通过 这样的方式加载
axWidget = QAxWidget()
axWidget..setControl('WordPad.Document.1') # 比如WordPad
open('help.html', 'wb').write(axWidget.generateDocumentation().encode()) # 导出帮助文档
# 然后使用axWidget.setControl(path)加载文件 或者
# axWidget.dynamicCall('函数', path) ## 函数通过上面的帮助文档找找有没有对应的打开文件的函数
I tried as what you did. I can open Chemdraw by self.axWidget.setControl('ChemDraw.Application')
, but it didn't load my .cdx file. I don't why.
I tried as what you did. I can open Chemdraw by
, but it didn't load my .cdx file. I don't why.
提供下生成的帮助文档 open('help.html', 'wb').write(axWidget.generateDocumentation().encode()) # 导出帮助文档
may be not supported embed cdx.
only find Chem3D Embed