prospector icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
prospector copied to clipboard

Prospector 1.10.2 does not support `with_mypy` optional tool [in conda]

Open valeriupredoi opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments

Hi @carlio long time no see (on GH), hope you doing good, mate! I ran into this little nugget just now:

(tool-latest2) valeriu@valeriu-PORTEGE-Z30-C:~/ESMValCore$ prospector esmvalcore/preprocessor/ 

Cannot run tool mypy as support was not installed.
Please install by running 'pip install prospector[with_mypy]'

(tool-latest2) valeriu@valeriu-PORTEGE-Z30-C:~/ESMValCore$ pip install prospector[with_mypy]
Requirement already satisfied: prospector[with_mypy] in /home/valeriu/miniconda3/envs/tool-latest2/lib/python3.10/site-packages (1.10.2)
WARNING: prospector 1.10.2 does not provide the extra 'with_mypy'

It seems that with_mypy is not playing well with the latest prospector for some reason. I checked the package on conda-feedstock (I had previously approved the upgrade version PR from the bot, a few weeks ago) and the package specs are alright wrt mypy, but there's some oddity in poetry perhaps? Cheers, let me know if I can help :beer:

valeriupredoi avatar Jun 21 '23 13:06 valeriupredoi