bandit copied to clipboard
S608: false positive SQL injection detected
The local repository has been prepared. The repository can be updated using:
univention-repository-update net
The local host has been modified to use this local repository. Other hosts
must be re-configured by setting the Univention Configuration Registry (UCR)
variable 'repository/online/server' to the FQDN of this host.
ucr set repository/online/server="%(hostname)s.%(domainname)s"
The setting is best set in a domain by defining UCR Policies, which
set this variable on all hosts using this repository server. For example:
udm policies/repositoryserver create \
--position "cn=repository,cn=update,cn=policies,%(ldap/base)s" \
--set name="%(hostname)s repository" \
--set repositoryServer="%(hostname)s.%(domainname)s"
udm container/dc modify \
--dn "%(ldap/base)s" \
--policy-reference "cn=%(hostname)s repository,cn=repository,cn=update,cn=policies,%(ldap/base)s"
""" % configRegistry))
is detected false positively as S608
another false-positive raise Exception(f"Select a valid asset from {', '.join(ASSETS)}")
Got a false positive for this:"Failed to delete {log_name} from Redis.", **log_kwargs)
I've the same issue, quite annoying... I've to skip that check temporary. Any news about a potential fix ?
This rule is triggered for simple strings that have '
and \n
"Foo bar 'some_text/' spameggs.\n"
This rule is rather annoying than useful because of many false positives. I always had to disable it my projects.
Maybe it must be "opt-in" (instead of "opt-out") if it is too hard to reduce false positives.