Pushjet-Server-Api copied to clipboard
Project dead ?
Looking to implement this for personal use and probably in production environment but not sure if it is still maintained/updated because the last commit is almost 2 years old.
Unfortunately I think it is, I was looking to use this to replace Pushbullet but don't think I can switch :disappointed:
For some reason the Android client was updated a lot more recently though? Wish I had the skills to maintain a fork..
I would be interested in helping to maintain a fork. But I would need some help. Does anybody have interest in helping?
100% interested! Let's see if we can get some more people on board.
I would be really interested too!
I use pushjet for notifications from lab experiments, really useful and have recently tried to find alternatives, but failed. I don't know java for the android client, but would be very interested in helping maintain the python components
@4oo4 @ScheissSchiesser @aminehmida @weatherhead99 I'm currently working on updating Pushjet to use Firebase Cloud Messaging as opposed to Google Cloud Messaging. I know enough Java/Go/Python to understand @Mechazawa code base. Just have to work through understanding Android Studio and creating apps. If any of you have started on a fork, please let me know! I'll be happy to contribute.
Also, I must add... My inspiration for working on this is personal. I don't like that this project currently uses Google Cloud Messaging, but I'm uncertain that Android can receive push notifications without using Google (since they're so closely linked). I would also like to add encryption related aspects to the server and client side of this project
(edit: encryption would hide the contents of messages, but GCM/FCM would still track some metadata. This post offers a solution... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34278712/alternative-to-gcm-for-android-devices-for-push-notifications it appears we could bypass GCM/FCM and others like pushy.me already have. It'd be cool to make an open source version of pushy.me for those looking to self-host their own push notifications. I'll continue working on firebase migration for now just to get this project working. Encryption comes later as a temporary solution to my/our privacy concerns. Removing GCM/FCM as the mediator comes last as a permanent solution to push notifications.)
@jsonvillanueva We are currently working on a free-and-open-source fork and discussing path forward regarding encryption. Please join our slack group: fosspush slack
@jsonvillanueva Welcome! In addition to the slack you can check out the gitlab repos: https://gitlab.com/PushFish
gotify/server is also an alternative, it's a little different as Gotify has a user management, but is has the same premise.