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RecipeChoice.ExactChoice setPredicate is ignored for Shapeless Recipes

Open joshuaprince opened this issue 7 months ago • 2 comments

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Expected behavior

Purpur adds a setPredicate method to RecipeChoice.ExactChoice to allow plugins to add more precise control over crafting ingredients in recipes. When a predicate is set, it should be called whenever the recipe is a candidate for preparing an item craft.

Observed/Actual behavior

The predicate is ignored and never called. When calling getPredicate on the recipe later, it returns null.

Only Shapeless recipes are affected. ShapedRecipe seems to work as expected.

Steps/models to reproduce

A simple test plugin with nothing else installed shows the issue:

    public void onEnable() {
        this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);

        NamespacedKey key = new NamespacedKey(this, "enchanted-slimeball-to-diamond");

        ItemStack enchantedSlimeball = new ItemStack(Material.SLIME_BALL);

        RecipeChoice.ExactChoice choice = new RecipeChoice.ExactChoice(enchantedSlimeball);
        choice.setPredicate(itemStack -> {
            // Only slime balls with an enchantment on them should be craftable into diamonds.
            this.getLogger().info("Called predicate");
            return itemStack.hasEnchants();

        ShapelessRecipe recipe = new ShapelessRecipe(key, new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND));

    @EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = false, priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
    public void onPrepareCraft(PrepareItemCraftEvent event) {
        Recipe recipe = event.getRecipe();
        if (!(recipe instanceof ShapelessRecipe shapelessRecipe)) {
            return; // ignore everything except shapeless recipes

        if (!(!shapelessRecipe.getChoiceList().isEmpty() && shapelessRecipe.getChoiceList().get(0) instanceof RecipeChoice.ExactChoice choice)) {
            return; // ignore shapeless recipes that do not have an exact choice

        getLogger().info("recipe key %s - predicate %s".formatted(shapelessRecipe.getKey(), choice.getPredicate() == null ? "NULL" : choice));

With the plugin installed, place a normal slime ball on the crafting grid. Expected behavior is that the crafting is blocked, the console prints "Called predicate" and a string for the predicate function. Instead, only the following is printed:

[PurpurItemPredicate] recipe key purpuritempredicate:enchanted-slimeball-to-diamond - predicate NULL

Purpur version

Current: git-Purpur-2091 (MC: 1.20.2)*
* You are running the latest version


  • [X] I am running the latest version of Purpur available from https://purpurmc.org/downloads.
  • [X] I have searched for and ensured there isn't already an open issue regarding this.
  • [ ] I ticked all the boxes without actually reading them
  • [X] My version of Minecraft is supported by Purpur.


This bug was introduced in Purpur 1.20.1-2044, which involved upstream changes. On 2043 and earlier, the test plugin above works as expected. It was probably changes to the ShapelessRecipe class hierarchy in that patch that caused this.

joshuaprince avatar Nov 19 '23 02:11 joshuaprince