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Possible to introduce an alternative GUI based on GTK (or even ncurses)?
@r4sas @orignal Will it be hard to add an alternative GUI implementation? Qt one requires Qt5 minimum, which breaks it for some systems: https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd-qt/issues/54
GTK has a much better portability, is easier to build and has less dependencies. GTK3 works fine on old macOS, in particular (which is my interest here), but it should also have a better support on Linux and BSD. (I did not test much GTK4, but presumably it either works or at least should be fixable with little effort, unlike Qt5.)
@barracuda156 I am the i2pd-qt dev, and I suggest you to create the GTK app yourself. I will maybe create a Flutter or Quasar port. And yes i2pd-qt needs fixes.
@nonlin-lin-chaos-order-etc-etal Thank you for responding.
I am afraid writing something from scratch for GTK is not something I can do; I might be able to fix the existing qt version for Qt4, but need to find time to look into that.
До сих пор не понимаю зачем гуй демону.
До сих пор не понимаю зачем гуй демону.
У меня же оно не соберется ввиду отсутствия Qt5, так что я не знаю, насколько этот гуй полезен. Обойдемся, конечно. Главное, что сам i2pd собирается.
A nice simple [n]curses based UI for screen
sessions would be great
A nice simple [n]curses based UI for
sessions would be great
Yeah, that would do as well.
A nice simple [n]curses based UI for screen sessions would be great
Try WebUI with W3m or Lynx or Links/Elinks/Links2