dlang-debug icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dlang-debug copied to clipboard

dlang pretty printers for GDB & LLDB for various standard types


Pretty printers for various dlang types for GDB, LLDB and VSDBG.


  • GDB
    • [ ] Test & make work on all OS
      • [x] Linux x64
        • [x] DMD
        • [ ] DMD -gc
        • [x] LDC
        • [ ] LDC -gc
      • [ ] OSX x64
        • [ ] DMD
        • [ ] DMD -gc
        • [ ] LDC
        • [ ] LDC -gc
      • [ ] Windows x64
        • [ ] DMD
        • [ ] DMD -gc
        • [ ] LDC
        • [ ] LDC -gc
    • [x] Associative Arrays
    • [x] Arrays
    • [x] Strings (bug: doesn't respect length, stops at null characters)
    • [ ] phobos types (tbd)
  • LLDB
    • [ ] Test & make work on all OS
      • [x] Linux x64
        • [x] DMD
        • [ ] DMD -gc
        • [x] LDC
        • [ ] LDC -gc
      • [ ] OSX x64
        • [ ] DMD
        • [ ] DMD -gc
        • [ ] LDC
        • [ ] LDC -gc
      • [x] ~~Windows x64~~ broken (LLDB not working with D Windows binaries)
        • [x] ~~DMD~~ -> LLDB broken
        • [x] ~~DMD -gc~~ -> LLDB broken
        • [x] ~~LDC~~ -> LLDB broken
        • [x] ~~LDC -gc~~ -> LLDB broken
    • [x] Associative Arrays
    • [x] Arrays
    • [x] Strings
    • [ ] phobos types (tbd)
  • VSDBG (NatVis)
    • [x] Windows Support only
    • [ ] Make work with all Compilers
      • [ ] Windows x64
        • [x] ~~LDC~~ -> broken, not implementable
        • [x] LDC -gc
        • [x] ~~DMD~~ -> broken, not implementable
        • [x] ~~DMD -gc~~ -> broken, does not seem to work
    • [x] Associative Arrays
    • [x] Arrays
    • [x] Strings
    • [ ] phobos types (tbd)

Due to the pretty printing API, LLDB offers better type displays.

Boilerplate code for LLDB taken from vscode-lldb.


Automatic with any installed debugger

VSCode with webfreak.code-d

(recommends extensions C/C++ on Windows or CodeLLDB on other platforms installed)

	"name": "Debug Program",
	"request": "launch",
	"type": "code-d",
	"program": "${command:dubTarget}",
	"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
	"dubBuild": true // optional, automatic builds

code-d has these debug configurations bundled since version 0.23.0 and automatically detects the recommended settings for the current platform with the installed debug extensions.


Enable pretty printers and source the gdb_dlang.py script.

MI Commands (for use with extensions):

-interpreter-exec console "source /path/to/gdb_dlang.py"

VSCode Debug Extension Configurations:

C/C++ (ms-vscode.cpptools)

	"name": "Debug Program",
	"request": "launch",
	"type": "cppdbg",
	"program": "${workspaceFolder}/programname",
	"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
	"setupCommands": [
			"description": "Enable python pretty printing",
			"ignoreFailures": false,
			"text": "-enable-pretty-printing"
			"description": "Load D GDB type extensions",
			"ignoreFailures": false,
			"text": "-interpreter-exec console \"source /path/to/gdb_dlang.py\""

NativeDebug (webfreak.code-debug)

	"name": "Debug Program",
	"request": "launch",
	"type": "gdb",
	"target": "./programname",
	"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
	"autorun": [
		"source /path/to/gdb_dlang.py"
	"valuesFormatting": "prettyPrinters"


Import the lldb script:

command script import "/path/to/lldb_dlang.py"

VSCode Debug Extension Configurations:

CodeLLDB (vadimcn.vscode-lldb)

	"name": "Debug Program",
	"request": "launch",
	"type": "lldb",
	"program": "${workspaceFolder}/programname",
	"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
	"initCommands": ["command script import \"/path/to/lldb_dlang.py\""]

NatVis with VSDBG

Visual Studio:

Put the natvis file in your workspace, it will be loaded automatically and just work.

VSCode Debug Extension Configurations:

C/C++ (ms-vscode.cpptools)

	"name": "Debug Program",
	"request": "launch",
	"type": "cppvsdbg",
	"program": "${workspaceFolder}/programname.exe",
	"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
	"visualizerFile": "C:\\Path\\To\\dlang.natvis"