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:loudspeaker: Ptt 文章通知機器人!Notify Ptt Article in Realtime
Amazon MQ – Managed Message Broker Service for ActiveMQ ## Services * [ ] Log * [ ] Database * [ ] Recombee
I suggest creating a discord bot. (but this might need a server to host it) Or allow users to bind their customized webhooks ([Webhooks with IFTTT](
remove `article:{article_code}:subs` if article not found or not in dynamoDB. remove article in user setting as well
> ``` {"error":"forbidden","level":"error","msg":"Telegram Send Message Failed","time":"2021-03-27T08:21:36Z"} ``` Design: 1. if get forbidden and then don't send a notification to this user 2. when get user add the bot again,...
- implement an process to remove non-exist board related settings. - implement an process to know board is renamed.
as title telegram 推出「無聲訊息」(Silent message)一段時間了,不曉得作者有無考慮未來新增新功能支援這個呢?畢竟同樣為提醒,但有的訊息可能沒那麼重要,可以用無聲訊息就好不需要有聲音。 再次感謝開發這個超好用的工具!
哈囉,想問能加一個正規表達式的線上測試工具嗎 因為每種程式語言用的正規表達式都不太一樣 想要測試語法正不正確 不用像 還標出match的字段 只要回覆match或no match就好
刪除推文 * 刪除推文 ezsoft 刪除推文, > LoadLocation now uses the directory or uncompressed zip file named by the $ZONEINFO environment variable before looking in the default system-specific list of known installation locations or in...