Bastian Rieck

Results 29 comments of Bastian Rieck

Thanks for reporting this! I think @eghisu has the authorisation to update the packages. Could you update them please once, Elisabetta? We should then write about transferring the ownership to...

I think the easiest way at this point is to build the package from source or use a different package, such as [GraKeL](

Sorry to hear this—not aware of this problem, but it's been a while since I was working on this project. Can you try installing everything from source (i.e. from the...

That's weird—can you load the module and tell me the output of the following command, please: ``` import pathlib, GKextCPy; pathlib.Path(GKextCPy.__file__).resolve().parent ```

This looks to me like the extension module was not installed. Can you try to install this manually as well (from the `GKextCPy` folder)?

I don't understand this fully. Is the module maybe already installed (if somewhat partially)? The setup script might refuse to overwrite it.

Sorry for the hassle here... It seems that the packages are being installed for the root user only. If you use `sudo`, you can drop the `--user` flag. This should...

Still looks like there's something wrong with the installation. I see that you have Anaconda active as well. Can you try installing it in the Anaconda environment using `--user` and...

(I just pushed a simplified module installation fix, but that should not apply to your issue, unfortunately. If we can't get anywhere, the main developers @mahito-sugiyama or @eghisu might want...

I mean installing it using `` while the Anaconda environment is active, but _without_ using `sudo`. From what I saw in the logs, your previous installation used a different Python...